Subject: | 5.8.0 tests pass |
I have tested this on 5.8.0. All tests pass. The only change required is
to update this line:
use 5.008001;
I also noticed that "perl Makefile.PL" reports that 4 more modules are
perl Makefile.PL
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker ...missing. (would need 6.31)
- ExtUtils::CBuilder ...missing.
- ExtUtils::ParseXS ...loaded. (2.02)
- Module::Build ...missing. (would need 0.28)
- CPAN ...missing. (would need 1.80)
==> Auto-install the 4 mandatory module(s) from CPAN? [y]
But it actually lying. I can cancel at this point and all tests pass:
prove -lv t/*t
Maybe all those requirements belong in the "bootstrap" "if" clause of
the Makefile.PL?