1) I didn't know that about github! (I'm used to svn, and the msys git
installs its own version of perl, and I don't want it to mess things up
when I'm trying to program my Perl::Dist submodules!) Thanks...
2) I figured you'd have to do something like that for the default.t
problem. (I've had to capture stderr to process it and to hide it quite
a few times!)
3) Will do on sending the output. I don't have all the issues caught
yet. (One thing I may either send to you to add or make another dist,
your choice, is a filter for the .tar.gz file to catch executable flags
that'll cause PAUSE to not index a dist, because MakeMaker doesn't do
4) One other issue I may have caught is that when Test::Prereq executes
a Module:Install using Makefile.PL, that Makefile.PL will then create a
t/inc/Module/Install.pm file if you have Module::Install installed to
use in authoring distributions (if not, I assume it'd bail with a "Can't
find module" error, I haven't tried that yet), which leaves a file
behind, and ends up creating MANIFEST problems when it's ran within
Here's the test script in question:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
# use File::Remove qw();
use Cwd qw();
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
if ( not $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} ) {
my $msg = 'No TEST_AUTHOR: Skipping author test';
plan skip_all => $msg;
eval { require Test::Prereq; };
plan skip_all =>
'Test::Prereq required for testing prerequisites' if $EVAL_ERROR;
diag('Takes a few minutes...');
my @modules_skip = (
# Perl::Dist prerequisites -
# since we have Perl::Dist as a prereq, I'm not
# listing all of them in the Makefile.PL.
# Enough's there as is!
# Needed only for tests
# Needed only for AUTHOR_TEST tests
prereq_ok(5.006, 'Check prerequisites', \@modules_skip);
# File::Remove::remove( \1, 't\inc' );
and the Makefile.PL:
#! perl
use inc::Module::Install;
die "OS unsupported\n" if (not win32);
all_from 'lib/Perl/Dist/WiX.pm';
requires 'version' => '0.76';
requires 'Alien::WiX' => 'v0.300000';
requires 'Data::Dump::Streamer' => '2.08';
requires 'Data::UUID' => '1.149';
requires 'Devel::StackTrace' => '1.20';
requires 'Exception::Class' => '1.22';
requires 'File::ShareDir' => '1.00';
requires 'IO::String' => '1.08';
requires 'List::MoreUtils' => '0.07';
requires 'Module::CoreList' => '2.17';
requires 'Object::InsideOut' => '3.53';
test_requires 'Perl::Critic::More' => '1.000' if ( $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR}
requires 'Perl::Dist' => '1.12';
requires 'Readonly' => '1.03';
requires 'Scalar::Util' => '1.19'; # Remove when 5.008 is
minimum perl version.
requires 'Storable' => '2.15'; # Remove when 5.008 is
minimum perl version.
requires 'URI' => '1.35';
recommends 'Readonly::XS' => '1.05';
test_requires 'Test::HasVersion' => '0.012' if ( $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR}
test_requires 'Test::MinimumVersion' => '0.008' if ( $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR}
test_requires 'Test::More' => '0.47';
test_requires 'Test::Output' => '0.11';
test_requires 'Test::Perl::Critic' => '1.01' if (
test_requires 'Test::Prereq' => '1.036' if ( $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR}
test_requires 'Test::UseAllModules' => '0.09';
requires 'Win32' => '0.35';
resources 'repository' =>
resources 'bugtracker' =>
license 'perl';
and the output:
C:\Documents and Settings\Curtis\Desktop\Blueberry
Perl\Work\Perl-Dist-WiX>perl t\85_prereq.t
# C:/Documents and Settings/Curtis/Desktop/Blueberry
# Takes a few minutes...
include C:/Documents and Settings/Curtis/Desktop/Blueberry
Prototype mismatch: sub Test::Prereq::prompt ($;$) vs none at
C:\strawberry\perl\site\lib/Module/Install.pm line 187.
include inc/Module/Install/With.pm
include inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
include inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
include inc/Module/Install/Share.pm
include inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
include inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
Writing META.yml
include inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
include inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
include inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Database was generated on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:25:56 GMT
Updating database file ...
Gathering information from index files ...
Obtaining current state of database ...
Populating database tables ...
ok 1 - Check prerequisites
C:\Documents and Settings\Curtis\Desktop\Blueberry
After that, I notice that inc/Module/Install.pm is gone, and there is a
t/inc/Module/Install.pm where it shouldn't be.
Curtis Jewell
%DCL-E-MEM-BAD, bad memory
-VMS-F-PDGERS, pudding between the ears
[I use PC-Alpine, which deliberately does not display colors and
pictures in HTML mail]
On Tue, 24 Mar 2009 15:00 -0400, "brian d foy via RT"
<bug-Module-Release@rt.cpan.org> wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=44529 >
> Thanks for looking into these Windows issues. I've fixed the quoting
> issues and push them to
> github.
> You said that you don't have git installed, but you can get a Github
> account, fork the module-
> release project, and there's a feature of Github where you can edit the
> file in the web browser
> and commit the result. You can then send me a pull request to I can sync
> with your changes. If
> you are using cygwin, you can update with the git package.
> For the problem with 2>&1 in default.t, I'm probably going to have to
> pull out IPC::Open3. The
> problem is intercepting standard error when the executable isn't perl so
> the user doesn't see
> whatever that program would spit out.
> For further reports, please include the test output. :)
Curtis Jewell
%DCL-E-MEM-BAD, bad memory
-VMS-F-PDGERS, pudding between the ears
[I use PC-Alpine, which deliberately does not display colors and pictures in HTML mail]