Subject: | More predefined validates |
I would like to have some new validation options.
Validate: PASSWORD
This is probably the one with most controversy, because what is a
good password. But I would like: it contain both upper and lower case
letter, ,numbers and special chars (like ! " # ยค % ...)
It would also be good with a progress bar telling how good the password
is, I have seen that on other pages on the internet, maybe even google
have one of dose.
Validate: COMPARE op other_field
This would do a <op>-compare with other_field in form. Specially good
on "confirm password" where validate would be "validate: COMPARE eq
password". But there might be other places where this would be good.
Validate: DATE (or for compability DATE_MANIP)
This would send the date to Date::Manip and use that date. In perl
this is easy but howto do that in javascript... There might be something
simulare I don't know. See Date::Manip if you have missed it.
Some of this can be done with FormBuilder when you have full access, but
I'm using the FormBuilder from catalyst with
CGI::FormBuilder::Source::File so some access is little limited.
/Best regards Erik