Subject: | Failed to install |
While trying to install the module, (WinXP, Strawberry Perl, Perl 5.10,
CPAN) I got the following error:
Running install for module 'IPC::Cmd'
Running make for K/KA/KANE/IPC-Cmd-0.42.tar.gz
Has already been unwrapped into directory
Had problems unarchiving. Please build manually
Package contains both files[IPC-Cmd-0.42.tar] and
directories[IPC-Cmd-0.42]; not recognized as a perl package, giving up,
won't make
As much as I can tell, CPAN expected some files in the main directory,
(in this case, I guess, C:\strawberry\cpan\build\KANE-e5AYZO) but can
not find what it looks for. manual inspection found the supposly
missing files (such as Makefile.PL) in a IPC-Cmd-0.42 under that directory.
Can you please fix it?