Subject: | multi choice menu doesn't get printed at all! |
distribution: Term-Prompt-0.11
perl: v5.8.1 built for i686-linux
OS: Linux 2.4.18-bf2.4 i686 GNU/Linux
It's a Debian testing, meaning all the latest packages.
Following code, taken from your documentation, fails:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Term::Prompt;
my $r = &prompt
prompt => "text prompt",
title => 'My Silly Menu',
items => [ qw (foo bar baz biff spork boof akak) ],
order => 'down',
rows => 1,
cols => 1,
display_base => 1,
return_base => 0,
accept_multiple_selections => 0,
accept_empty_selection => 0
"help prompt", "spork");
My Silly Menu
text prompt (help prompt) [default spork]
i.e. menu never gets printed at all!
I've used simple y/n prompts and they were ok, however i need multichoice menues too. If you do fix this, please let me know, i'd love to be able to use the module, as, like any other good module, saves great deal of code.