package PPI::HTML::Fragment;
# A HTML fragment object is a small object that contains a string due to
# become HTML content, and a simple rule for it's display, such as a class
# name.
use strict;
use vars qw{$VERSION};
$VERSION = '1.07';
# Constructor and Accessors
sub new {
my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
my $string = defined $_[0] ? shift : return undef;
my $css = shift or return undef;
# Create the basic object
my $self = bless {
string => $string,
css => $css,
}, $class;
sub string { $_[0]->{string} }
sub css { $_[0]->{css} }
# Main Methods
# Does the segment end with a newline?
sub ends_line { $_[0]->string =~ /\n$/ }
# Render to HTML
sub html {
my $self = shift;
my $html = $self->_escape( $self->string );
return $html unless $self->css;
$self->_tagpair( 'span', { class => $self->css }, $html );
sub concat {
my $self = shift;
my $string = defined $_[0] ? shift : return undef;
$self->{string} .= $string;
sub clear {
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{css};
# Support Methods
# Embedding some HTML stuff until I find a suitably lightweight dependency
sub _escape {
my $html = defined $_[1] ? "$_[1]" : return '';
$html =~ s/&/&/g;
$html =~ s/</</g;
$html =~ s/>/>/g;
$html =~ s/\"/"/g;
$html =~ s/(\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/<br\/>\n/g;
sub _tagpair {
my $class = shift;
my $tag = shift or return undef;
my %attr = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{shift()} : ();
my $start = join( ' ', $tag,
map { defined $attr{$_} ? qq($_="$attr{$_}") : "$_" }
sort keys %attr );
"<$start>" . join('', @_) . "</$tag>\n";