the assumption that a ear of undef should increment the ticks from epoch
to the lowest year of the current century is lame.
Subject: | TimeLocal.t |
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 4;
require_ok( 'Time::Local' );
require_ok( 'POSIX::strptime' );
my @tsStruct = POSIX::strptime("23:16:42", '%T');
## Time::Local does not work with day as '0'
## Day must be '1' to just use Time functionality
## This sucks massive penis.
$tsStruct[3] = 1;
ok ( ! defined $tsStruct[5] , 'The year is undef' );
my $unixTics = Time::Local::timegm( @tsStruct );
cmp_ok ( $unixTics, '<=', 3_600*370 , <<EOF )
This was a simple test, a year of undef, triggered Time::Local
to assume '0', and round down to the lowest year in the current century
this is lame and shitty.