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This queue is for tickets about the IMDB-Movie CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 4271
Status: resolved
Worked: 1 min
Priority: 0/
Queue: IMDB-Movie

Owner: JEFFA [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: you *must * use MakeMaker's prompt function (or compatible)
Read the MakeMaker docs if you want to know why the file attached woluld be better than your current
#use Test::More qw(no_plan); use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw[prompt]; use Test::More tests => 13; use Data::Dumper; require_ok('Movie'); my $ans = prompt("connect to server?","y"); SKIP: { skip "you didn't want to connect", 12 if $ans =~ /^(q|n)/i; print "This test's random movie (from list of 1 movie) will be 'Alien'...\n"; $movie = IMDB::Movie->new(78748); isa_ok($movie,'IMDB::Movie'); is($movie->id,'0078748','right id'); is($movie->title,'Alien','right title'); is($movie->year,1979,'right year'); like($movie->user_rating,qr/\d+\.?\d*/,"got a user_rating: " . $movie->user_rating); is_deeply($movie->directors,{'0000631'=>{qw(id 0000631 last_name Scott first_name Ridley)}},'strict: correct director'); is_deeply($movie->writer,['O\'Bannon, Dan','Shusett, Ronald'],'loose: correct writers'); is_deeply($movie->genres, [qw(Sci-Fi Horror Thriller)],'normal: correct genres'); %tmpl = $movie->as_HTML_Template; is_deeply($tmpl{directors}[0],{qw(id 0000631 last_name Scott first_name Ridley)},'HTML::Template correct director'); is_deeply($tmpl{writers}[0],{qw(id 0639321 last_name O'Bannon first_name Dan)},'HTML::Template correct writer 1'); is_deeply($tmpl{writers}[1],{qw(id 0795953 last_name Shusett first_name Ronald)},'HTML::Template correct writer 2'); is_deeply($movie->director,['Scott, Ridley'],'deep copy successful'); };