Hello Phil,
Thanks for the quick analysis. Yes, perhaps Winamp only displays the
ID3v1 information.
Kanishka Banerjee
On 1/14/09, Phil Harvey via RT <bug-Image-ExifTool@rt.cpan.org> wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=42393 >
> Thanks for the bug report and sample mp3 file.
> In this file, the genre is stored in both ID3v1 and ID3v2 information:
> ID3v1:
> | Genre = 146
> | - Tag 0x007f (1 bytes, int8u[1]):
> | 300fff: 92 [.]
> ID3v2:
> | Genre = ...(146)JPop
> | - Tag 'TCON' (21 bytes):
> | 006d: 01 ff fe 28 00 31 00 34 00 36 00 29 00 4a 00 50
> [...(.1.4.6.).J.P]
> | 007d: 00 6f 00 70 00 [.o.p.]
> The value of 146 is a new extension -- I will add this (plus a number of
> other new genres
> which have been defined). Thanks for pointing this out.
> However, after this is done exiftool will report the genre as:
> Genre : (JPop)JPop
> or, you can see both with the "-a -G1" options:
> [ID3v2_3] Genre : (JPop)JPop
> [ID3v1] Genre : JPop
> The ID3v3 information reports a genre of JPop with a refinement of JPop.
> According to my
> ID3v2 reference, this would be the correct way to display a refinement like
> this, but I will see
> if I can find some other references. But at the very worst, you will get
> "(JPop)JPop" for the
> Genre. Could it be that Winamp is displaying just "JPop" because it uses the
> ID3v1
> information?
> - Phil