Subject: | Schedule::At in taint mode |
Date: | Mon, 05 Jan 2009 09:18:50 +0100 |
To: | bug-Schedule-At [...] |
From: | "Thomas Häcker" <T.Haecker [...]> |
i assume this is a missing feature and not my poor knowledge of perl:
If i try to remove a job from the atq with Schedule::At::remove ( TAG => "sometag" );
in taint mode (respectively running the perl script with setuid) this fails with the following error:
Insecure dependency in piped open while running setuid at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Schedule/ line 157, <ATCMD> chunk 1.
I suppose some variables like $command in line 157 need to be untainted for use with setuid.
Could this be implemented?
Best regards,
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