Subject: | bleadperl and optimize=-g, suspicious data |
Hi Adam,
you should know that when you see
perl: av.c:763: Perl_av_len: Zusicherung »((svtype)((av)->sv_flags &
0xff)) == SVt_PVAV« nicht erfüllt.
that means simply
perl: av.c:763: Perl_av_len: Assertion `((svtype)((av)->sv_flags &
0xff)) == SVt_PVAV' failed.
I expect you will see more of those in the next hours in my cpantesters
reports, I just want to announce my binary search running.
It seems that bleadperl with optimize=-g does not like Params::Util
while optimize=-O2 seems to work.
Is this a known issue?
Anyway, my smoker is running to find out the threshold.
I'll summarize later when it has run through the test.