Hmm this was a while back, I no longer have this environment available,
but from memory the code looked more like
sub send_request {
my $cli = RPC::XML::Client->new('
my $resp = $cli->send_request('blah');
Every time the above function was called memory would be lost (only if
remote server was not up).
It`s possible this has been fixed by now.
Randy J Ray via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL: >
> Does it leak memory every time send_request() is called? Or are you
> noticing that the process grows by 100K? Because that could be due to
> Perl internally allocating structures as the LWP::UserAgent and
> message-related libraries initialize.
> I have run the sample code you gave, having it repeat the request 10
> times or more, and not even valgrind is showing that much leaked memory.
> Can you supply more details?