My apologies for the earlier bug report. As it turns out it does say in
the docs that you *need* code to build. It does not say much about "dzil
new" mentioned in your presentation
http://www.slideshare.net/rjbs/distzilla-presentation but I discovered
that if I create an empty ~/.dzil/config file that it does work. I still
get the following bugs/errors/warnings:
1 - Creating a new app
% dzil new My::App
ARRAY(0x1a6c330) # I doubt the output "ARRAY(0x1a6c330)" is intentional
2 - Building the new app
% dzil build|test
couldn't find a place to insert VERSION section to lib/My/App.pm
Also it seems to ignore the contents of ~/.dzil/config but I'm probably
doing something wrong there. Mine currently contains:
% cat ~/.dzil/config
I guessed these from the source code of Dist::Zilla::App::Command::new.
New apps still get created with an initial version of "1.000".
Everything else works like a charm though.
I guess what I'm asking for is a bit more documentation/information on
how to configure Dist::Zilla. I'd send a draft in myself but I'm
obviously not fully clued up on how to use it.
Thank you.
On Wed Nov 26 09:29:34 2008,
http://j1n3l0.myopenid.com/ wrote:
Show quoted text> How does one create My::Awesome::App from scratch?
> With Module::Starter it would go something like:
> module-starter --module My::Awesome::App
> I assumed the Dist::Zilla equivalent would be:
> dzil new My::Awesome::App
> But that appears to throw an error.
> shell:~/Desktop/dist-zilla$ dzil new My::Awesome::App ARRAY(0x8bc4cbc)
> Can't call method "flatten" on an undefined value at
> /Users/io1/Applications/Perl/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/Dist/Zilla/App.pm
> line
> 35, <DATA> line 1.
> I believe this information should be in the documentation but I did
> not
> find it.
> Environment details:
> Dist-Zilla-1.003
> perl v5.10.0 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
> Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007;
> root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i