"Barbie via RT" <bug-CPAN-WWW-Testers@rt.cpan.org> writes:
Show quoted text> <URL:
http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40770 >
> On Sat Nov 08 16:04:23 2008, SREZIC wrote:
> This is due to Module::Build odd numbering system. With Perl, versioning
> is considered to be a 3 digit number for each part. Thus '0.30' is
> actually considered to be '0.030.000', as such 0.2808 is adjusted to
> '0.280.008' which is after '0.030.000'.
The documentation of version.pm thinks that it's different: if there
is only one dot, then always the numeric version is used, and if there
are two or more dots, then the extended version is used. So in the
Module-Build case normal floating number semantics could be used.
Show quoted text> CPAN-WWW-Testers uses Sort::Versions, and this is the convention it
> follows. Until I have created a database of all of CPAN/BACKPAN with the
> correct release dates, then this is going to stay as is.
In the CPAN Testers Matrix I simply use the comparison method provided
by version.pm (that is, a slightly modified form of it), and I have
the impression that the sorting in the matrix is more accurate than on
the cpantesters pages.
Slaven Rezic - slaven <at> rezic <dot> de
tksm - Perl/Tk program for searching and replacing in multiple files