On Sun Nov 02 17:29:44 2008, BDFOY wrote:
Show quoted text> Hey Alan,
> I just started using a Dymo label printer and now I want Dymo label
> definitions in
> PostScript::MailLabels. I'll do the work, but I want to see if you
> like the direction before I spend
> the time:
> Right now I just hacked it with the right settings in labelsetup(),
> but I thought about adding a
> $self->{DYMO} in BasicData.pm along with a dymocode() and dymodata()
> in MailLabels.pm.
> I think the data structure would look like the one for Avery. That's
> not a big deal.
I like the idea of a separate dymo structure - that seems cleaner than
not doing it.
Show quoted text> The ugly part is expanding the paper data. Every label type is a
> different paper type. Do you
> want to just add them all to the rest of the paper data.
But with every label a new paper... since it probably doesn't make sense
to use one of the new papers without using the corresponding label (if I
understand correctly), then perhaps the code should reflect that
dependency? That is a little hokey and would mean a special path through
the code maybe?, but it might be nicer for the user. What do you think?
I did recently add a user-defined paper size hack - it wasn't as pretty
as I would have liked, but it is there. Or maybe it would be better to
just add all the papers, probably with a prefix like dymo-...
Actually if the code were altered so that if papersize is not a string
but is list, then interpret it as paper of that size,then the dymo
papers could just be imbedded in the label description directly without
defining a new paper. In fact, that would have been a better way to
implement user-defined papers...
That's my stream-of-consciousness so far... thoughts?
- Alan