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This queue is for tickets about the Win32-DriveInfo CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 40577
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Win32-DriveInfo

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: cmanley [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: 0.06

Subject: Please make it object oriented.
I can't subclass your module because it's not object oriented. All that needs to be changed is this line added as first line to every sub: my $proto = @_ && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],__PACKAGE__) ? shift : __PACKAGE__; Then VolumeInfo can be called in object oriented context like this: Win32::DriveInfo->VolumeInfo($drive) ...and can can be overridden like this: Win32::DriveInfoNice->VolumeInfo($drive) See attached example for sub class with VolumeInfo override. If you call subs within the same class, then these must be called using $proto->.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); # tab width = 4 { package Win32::DriveInfoNice; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use base qw(Win32::DriveInfo); # Overrides parent method in order to returns a hash of information on success, else undef on error. sub VolumeInfo { my $proto = @_ && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],__PACKAGE__) ? shift : __PACKAGE__; my $drive = shift; # This doesn't work because parent class isn't designed to be used in object oriented context... #my @info = $proto->SUPER::VolumeInfo($drive); my @info = Win32::DriveInfo::VolumeInfo($drive); # Return undef on error. unless(@info >= 4) { return undef; } # Coerce array result into a hashref. my @names = qw( VolumeName VolumeSerialNumber MaximumComponentLength FileSystemName ); my %result; foreach my $name (@names) { $result{$name} = shift(@info); } $result{'attr'} = \@info; # Inject more useful information (again can't use $proto because of non-OO design of parent class). my $type = $result{'DriveType'} = Win32::DriveInfo::DriveType($drive); my %types = ( 0 => 'unknown', # the drive type cannot be determined. 1 => 'unknown', # the root directory does not exist. 2 => 'removable', # the drive can be removed from the drive (removable). 3 => 'fixed', # the disk cannot be removed from the drive (fixed). 4 => 'network', # the drive is a remote (network) drive. 5 => 'optical', # the drive is a CD-ROM drive. 6 => 'ram', # the drive is a RAM disk. ); $result{'DriveTypeName'} = $types{$type} || 'unknown'; return \%result; } } package main; my @drives = Win32::DriveInfo::DrivesInUse(); print 'Drives in use: ' . join(', ', @drives) . "\n"; foreach my $drive (@drives) { print "Dump of VolumeInfo about drive $drive: "; print Dumper(Win32::DriveInfoNice->VolumeInfo($drive)); print 'Drive type: ' . Win32::DriveInfo::DriveType($drive) . "\n"; print "\n"; }