--- gedi 2003-07-19 01:39:09.000000000 -0700
+++ G:\perl\bin\gedi 2003-10-27 02:32:39.953125000 -0800
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
# my $menu_frame = $top->Frame->pack(-anchor=>'nw');
my $text_frame = $top->Frame->pack
- (-anchor=>'nw', expand=>'yes', -fill => 'both'); # autosizing
+ (-anchor=>'nw', -expand=>'yes', -fill => 'both'); # autosizing
my $counter_frame = $top->Frame->pack(-anchor=>'nw');
@@ -114,36 +114,36 @@
my $current_line_label = $counter_frame
- -> Label(text=>'line: 1')
+ -> Label(-text=>'line: 1')
-> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1, -sticky=>'nw' );
my $total_line_label = $counter_frame
- -> Label(text=>'total lines: 1')
+ -> Label(-text=>'total lines: 1')
-> grid(-row=>2,-column=>1, -sticky=>'nw' );
my $current_column_label = $counter_frame
- -> Label(text=>'column: 0')
+ -> Label(-text=>'column: 0')
-> grid(-row=>3,-column=>1, -sticky=>'nw' );
my $insert_overstrike_mode_label = $counter_frame
- -> Label(text=>' ')
+ -> Label(-text=>' ')
-> grid(-row=>5,-column=>1, -sticky=>'nw' );
sub update_indicators
my ($line,$column)= split(/\./,$textwindow->index('insert'));
- $current_line_label->configure (text=> "line: $line");
- $current_column_label->configure (text=> "column: $column");
+ $current_line_label->configure (-text=> "line: $line");
+ $current_column_label->configure (-text=> "column: $column");
my ($last_line,$last_col) = split(/\./,$textwindow->index('end'));
- $total_line_label->configure (text=> "total lines: $last_line");
+ $total_line_label->configure (-text=> "total lines: $last_line");
my $mode = $textwindow->OverstrikeMode;
my $overstrke_insert='Insert Mode';
if ($mode)
{$overstrke_insert='Overstrike Mode';}
- (text=> "$overstrke_insert");
+ (-text=> "$overstrke_insert");
my $filename = $textwindow->FileName;
$filename = 'NoName' unless(defined($filename));
@@ -184,19 +184,19 @@
my $pop = $top->Toplevel();
- $pop->Label(text=>"Gedi (Gregs EDItor)")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"Ver. 1.0")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"Copyright 1999")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"Greg London")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"All Rights Reserved.")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"This program is free software.")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"You can redistribute it and/or")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"modify it under the same terms")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"as Perl itself.")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"Special Thanks to")->pack();
- $pop->Label(text=>"Nick Ing-Simmons.")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"Gedi (Gregs EDItor)")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"Ver. 1.0")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"Copyright 1999")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"Greg London")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"All Rights Reserved.")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"This program is free software.")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"You can redistribute it and/or")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"modify it under the same terms")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"as Perl itself.")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"Special Thanks to")->pack();
+ $pop->Label(-text=>"Nick Ing-Simmons.")->pack();
- my $button_ok = $pop->Button(text=>'OK',
+ my $button_ok = $pop->Button(-text=>'OK',
command => sub {$pop->destroy();
$about_pop_up_reference = undef;
} )