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This queue is for tickets about the Perl-Tidy CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 40284
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Perl-Tidy

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: charlie-perl [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: check-syntax, warning-output with non files (SCALAR ref, Handle, etc)
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 20:22:15 -0400
To: bug-Perl-Tidy [...], perltidy [...]
From: Charles Alderman <charlie-perl [...]>
Hello, I think I encountered a bug in the Perl::Tidy module. I get errors with the check-syntax and warning-output flags enabled when I use a scalar ref as the source or dest of perltidy. I included a test case to illustrate. Thanks, Charles Alderman ---- use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 5; use IO::File; use IO::String; use Perl::Tidy; my $perltidy_rc = q{ --check-syntax --warning-output }; my ( %scalar, %handle ); sub reset_test { %scalar = ( source => q{ sub test{ return 42; } }, dest => '', errors => '', stderr => '', ); %handle = map { $_ => IO::String->new( $scalar{$_} ) } keys %scalar; } reset_test(); my $temp_source_file = ''; my $temp_dest_file = ''; my $fh = IO::File->new( $temp_source_file, '>' ); $fh->print( $scalar{source} ); $fh->close; # baseline should pass ok - for my sanity Perl::Tidy::perltidy( perltidyrc => \$perltidy_rc, source => $temp_source_file, destination => $temp_dest_file, stderr => $handle{stderr}, errorfile => $handle{errors}, ); diag $scalar{errors} if $scalar{errors}; ok( !$scalar{errors}, 'check-syntax, warning-output: no errors with source/dest as files' ); reset_test(); # ERROR 1 - source is a handle (a SCALAR ref would give the same error) Perl::Tidy::perltidy( perltidyrc => \$perltidy_rc, source => $handle{source}, destination => $temp_dest_file, stderr => $handle{stderr}, errorfile => $handle{errors}, ); ok( !$scalar{errors}, 'check-syntax, warning-output: no errors with IO::Handle for source' ); unlike( $scalar{errors}, qr{Can't open perl script "IO::String"}, 'check-syntax, warning-output: test for specific error. IO::String source' ); reset_test(); # ERROR 2 - dest is a SCALAR ref Perl::Tidy::perltidy( perltidyrc => \$perltidy_rc, source => $temp_source_file, destination => \$scalar{dest}, stderr => $handle{stderr}, errorfile => $handle{errors}, ); ok( !$scalar{errors}, 'check-syntax, warning-output: no errors with SCALAR ref for dest' ); unlike( $scalar{errors}, qr{Oops, you seem to have encountered a bug in perltidy.}, 'check-syntax, warning-output: test for specific error. SCALAR ref dest' ); unlink $temp_source_file, $temp_dest_file;
This should be working in perltidy v 20120619.