CMEYER via RT <> wrote:
Show quoted text> First, thanks for the module. I find it to be very useful.
> Here's a format that it doesn't parse:
> "12:01 a.m. EDT Sept. 20, 2008"
> This is how the publish dates are represented on
> I'd be willing to submit a patch, but I haven't had the time to dig into
> your module to see how it goes about its business.
I think it would be doable, but not without a certain effort, which
would probably involve primarly extending and tweaking the existing
english grammar class; furthermore, in conjunction with such possible
changes, additional tests, of course, would need to be written too.
The main parsing and dispatching engine might also would require
some work on the code it consists of, but I doubt that for now.
The latest svn trunk (for ease of creating patches) is located at