Subject: | 'libgd' installed in dir with upper case letters |
At work, running under Linux, we have 'libgd' installed in a directory which contain upper case letters. When installing with I usually enter the location at the prompt.
However in Makefile.PL the input for 'lib_gd_path' is lowercased by 'lc'.
Under Linux this breaks compilation.
I think that the 'lc' is just a type, left over from lowercasing 'Y' to 'y'.
As removing the 'lc' might break existing scripts, I have added a check,
and lowercase only when 'lib_gd_path' does not exist.
A patched 'Makefile.PL' is attached.
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(prompt WriteMakefile);
unless (@ARGV) {
warn <<'END_WARN';
NOTICE: This module requires libgd 2.0.12 or higher.
it will NOT work with earlier versions.
See for versions of GD that are compatible
with earlier versions of libgd.
Type perl Makefile.PL -h for command-line option summary
# =====> PATHS: CHECK AND ADJUST <=====
my @INC = qw(-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gd);
my @LIBPATH = qw(-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/lib);
my @LIBS = qw(-lgd -lpng -lz);
# Build options passed in to script to support reproducible builds via Makefiles
use Getopt::Long;
my $result = GetOptions("options=s" => \$options,
"lib_gd_path=s" => \$lib_gd_path,
"lib_ft_path=s" => \$lib_ft_path,
"lib_png_path=s" => \$lib_png_path,
"lib_zlib_path=s" => \$lib_zlib_path,
unless ($result) {
print STDERR <<END;
Usage: perl Makefile.PL [options]
Configure GD module.
-options "JPEG,FT,XPM" feature options, separated by commas
-lib_gd_path path path to libgd
-lib_ft_path path path to Freetype library
-lib_png_path path path to libpng
-lib_zlib_path path path to libpng
If no options are passed on the command line. The program will
prompt for these values interactively.
if( defined($options) )
print "\nIncluded Features: $options\n";
if( defined($lib_gd_path) )
print "GD library used from: $lib_gd_path\n";
if( defined($lib_ft_path) )
print "FreeType library used from: $lib_ft_path\n";
@INC = ("-I$lib_ft_path/include", @INC);
@LIBPATH = ("-L$lib_ft_path/lib", @LIBPATH);
if( defined($lib_png_path) )
print "PNG library used from: $lib_png_path\n";
@INC = ("-I$lib_png_path/include", @INC);
@LIBPATH = ("-L$lib_png_path/lib", @LIBPATH);
if( defined($lib_zlib_path) )
print "Zlib library used from: $lib_zlib_path\n";
@INC = ("-I$lib_zlib_path/include", @INC);
@LIBPATH = ("-L$lib_zlib_path/lib", @LIBPATH);
if ($^O eq 'VMS'){
warn << 'END_WARN';
This is a build on OpenVMS. In case of problems with the build
do not bother Lincoln Stein but get in touch with
Martin P.J. Zinser (
if ( ! defined $ENV{LIB_ROOT} || $ENV{LIB_ROOT} eq "") {
warn << 'END_WARN';
Define lib_root as a concealed logical pointing to the
top directory where you have your libraries installed.
E.g. define/job/trans=conc lib_root public$device:[public.util.libs.]\n";
Also define the logical pubbin to point to the location
of the object libraries
Then re-invoke Makefile.PL
Exiting now...
@INC = qw(-I/lib_root/gd -I/lib_root/libpng -I/lib_root/zlib);
@LIBPATH = qw(-Lpubbin);
@LIBS = qw(-llibgd.olb -llibpng.olb -llibz.olb);
# path to libgd, skip prompt if passed in from above
my $PREFIX = $lib_gd_path;
if( ! defined($PREFIX) )
warn "\n";
$PREFIX = prompt('Where is libgd installed?','/usr/lib');
# When installing with, one often does not pass '-lib_gd_path'.
# However it should still be possiple to have 'gd' installed in
# a directory path containing upper case letters.
# In case that $PREFIX does not exist, let's assume a typo
if ( ! -e $PREFIX ) { $PREFIX = lc( $PREFIX ) }
unless ($PREFIX eq '/usr/lib') {
$PREFIX =~ s!/lib$!!;
unshift @INC,"-I$PREFIX/include";
unshift @LIBPATH,"-L$PREFIX/lib";
# If build options have not been passed in then prompt for settings
my ($JPEG, $FT, $XPM) = (undef, undef, undef);
if( defined($options) )
if( $options =~ m/JPEG/i ) { $JPEG = 1; } else { $JPEG = 0; }
if( $options =~ m/FT/i ) { $FT = 1; } else { $FT = 0; }
if( $options =~ m/XPM/i ) { $XPM = 1; } else { $XPM = 0; }
warn "\nPlease choose the features that match how libgd was built:\n";
$JPEG = lc prompt('Build JPEG support?','y') eq 'y';
$FT = lc prompt('Build FreeType support?','y') eq 'y';
$XPM = $^O !~ /^freebsd|MSWin32$/ && lc prompt('Build XPM support?','y') eq 'y';
my $FCGI = 0; # set to 1 to build compatability with fastCGI
warn "\nIf you experience compile problems, please check the \@INC, \@LIBPATH and \@LIBS\n",
"arrays defined in Makefile.PL and manually adjust, if necessary.\n\n";
#### no user-serviceable parts below #####
push @LIBS,'-lfreetype' if $FT;
push @LIBS,'-ljpeg' if $JPEG;
push @LIBS, '-lm' unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
push @INC, '-I/lib_root/libjpeg' if ($JPEG && $^O eq 'VMS');
push @INC, '-I/lib_root/ft2/include/freetype' if ($FT && $^O eq 'VMS');
push @INC, '-I/X11' if ($XPM && $^O eq 'VMS');
# FreeBSD 3.3 with libgd built from ports croaks if -lXpm is specified
if ($^O ne 'freebsd' && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
push @LIBS,'-lX11','-lXpm' if $XPM;
my $CAPI = defined $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CAPI_support ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
my $DEFINES = '';
$DEFINES .= ' -DHAVE_FT' if $FT;
'NAME' => 'GD',
'PREREQ_PM' => {
Math::Trig => 1.00,
'dist' => {'COMPRESS'=>'gzip -9f', 'SUFFIX' => 'gz',
'LIBS' => [join(' ',$ENV{'GD_LIBS'},@LIBPATH,@LIBS)],
'INC' => join(' ',$ENV{'GD_INC'},@INC),
'AUTHOR' => 'Lincoln Stein (',
'ABSTRACT' => 'Interface to Gd Graphics Library',
'CAPI' => $CAPI,
sub MY::postamble {
my $postamble = <<'END';
pod2html --outfile=GD.html