Thanks for the explanation.
I was drawn to error by a CosNotification.idl that had a line, like this:
EventType eventtype;
so I didn't bothered to check the specifications, since I thought "if
OMG releases this IDL, IDL itself must be case sensitive". I was wrong
(and I don't know why the CosNotification.idl we have is done like that)
and I should have checked the IDL specs.
Thank you,
Danilo Turina
PERRAD via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL: >
> CORBA-IDL is not exactly case sensitive.
> See CORBA Specifications 3.1 (freely available on
> 7.20 Names and Scoping
> OMG IDL identifiers are case insensitive; that is, two identifiers that
> differ only in the case of their characters are
> considered redefinitions of one another. However, all references to a
> definition must use the same case as the defining
> occurrence. This allows natural mappings to case-sensitive languages.
> For example:
> module M {
> typedef long Long; // Error: Long clashes with keyword long
> typedef long TheThing;
> interface I {
> typedef long MyLong;
> myLong op1( // Error: inconsistent
> capitalization
> in TheThing thething; // Error: TheThing clashes with
> thething
> );
> };
> };
> Some IDL compilers that target C++ or Java languages, could be not
> strict with this rule because it's not a problem with these target
> languages.
> But, my parsers (in CORBA::IDL) are strictly compliant with CORBA
> specifications.
Danilo Turina
Software Developer
OND Network Management
Rieti (Italy)
Phone: +39 0746 600332
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