On 9 September 2008 at 16:43, Thomas Fahle via RT wrote:
| Tue Sep 09 16:42:59 2008: Request 39133 was acted upon.
| Transaction: Ticket created by TOMFAHLE
| Queue: Finance-YahooQuote
| Subject: RealtimeQueryFormat Index 39 returns a hyperlink to an image
| Broken in: 0.22
| Severity: Unimportant
| Owner: Nobody
| Requestors: TOMFAHLE@cpan.org
| Status: new
| Ticket <URL:
http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39133 >
| With
| useRealtimeQueryFormat();
| Index 39 returns an additional link to an image.
That probably changed at their end and I should at least document the change.
Thanks for the heads-up!
| Example:
| #!/usr/bin/perl
| use strict;
| use warnings;
| use Finance::YahooQuote;
| my $symbol = 'ADS.DE';
| useRealtimeQueryFormat();
| my @quote = getonequote $symbol; # Get a quote for a single symbol
| print "[39] Last trade with time (real-time): $quote[39]\n";
| Output:
| [39] Last trade with time (real-time): N/A - <b><img
| src=
http://eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/i/eu/f/e.gif width=11 height=13
| border=0>38.79</b>
Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.