Subject: | ExtKeyUsage is not supported |
Crypt::X509 does not support the "extended key usage" extension.
The attached patch adds support for this extension including
documentation and tests.
Feel free to include this in a future release, if you like it.
Include documentation:
returns a pointer to an array of ExtKeyUsage strings (or OIDs for
unknown OIDs) or "undef" if the exten-
sion is not filled. OIDs of the following ExtKeyUsages are known:
serverAuth, clientAuth, codeSigning,
emailProtection, timeStamping, OCSPSigning
If the extension is marked critical, this is also reported.
$decoded= Crypt::X509->new($cert);
print "ExtKeyUsage extension of this Certificates is: ", join(", ",
@{$decoded->ExtKeyUsage}), "\n";
Example Output: ExtKeyUsage extension of this Certificates is: critical,
Subject: | Crypt-X509-0.32-extkeyusage.diff |
diff -ur Crypt-X509-0.32/lib/Crypt/ Crypt-X509/lib/Crypt/
--- Crypt-X509-0.32/lib/Crypt/ 2007-01-09 20:12:53.000000000 +0100
+++ Crypt-X509/lib/Crypt/ 2008-04-17 17:47:43.000000000 +0200
@@ -663,6 +663,52 @@
return undef; # keyusage extension not found
+=head2 ExtKeyUsage
+returns a pointer to an array of ExtKeyUsage strings (or OIDs for unknown OIDs) or
+C<undef> if the extension is not filled. OIDs of the following ExtKeyUsages are known:
+serverAuth, clientAuth, codeSigning, emailProtection, timeStamping, OCSPSigning
+If the extension is marked critical, this is also reported.
+ $decoded= Crypt::X509->new($cert);
+ print "ExtKeyUsage extension of this Certificates is: ", join(", ", @{$decoded->ExtKeyUsage}), "\n";
+ Example Output: ExtKeyUsage extension of this Certificates is: critical, serverAuth
+=cut back
+my %oid2extkeyusage = (
+ '' => 'serverAuth',
+ '' => 'clientAuth',
+ '' => 'codeSigning',
+ '' => 'emailProtection',
+ '' => 'timeStamping',
+ '' => 'OCSPSigning',
+sub ExtKeyUsage {
+ my $self=shift;
+ my $ext;
+ my $exts=$self->{'tbsCertificate'}->{'extensions'};
+ if (!defined $exts) {return undef;}; # no extensions in certificate
+ foreach $ext (@{$exts}) {
+ if ($ext->{'extnID'} eq '') { #OID for ExtKeyUsage
+ return $ext->{'oids'} if defined $ext->{'oids'};
+ my $parsExtKeyUsage=_init('ExtKeyUsageSyntax'); # get a parser for this
+ my $oids=$parsExtKeyUsage->decode($ext->{'extnValue'}); # decode the value
+ if ($parsExtKeyUsage->error) {
+ $self->{"_error"} = $parsExtKeyUsage->error;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $ext->{'oids'} = [ map { $oid2extkeyusage{$_} || $_ } @$oids ];
+ if ($ext->{'critical'}) { unshift @{$ext->{'oids'}}, "critical";} # mark as critical, if appropriate
+ return $ext->{'oids'};
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
=head2 SubjectAltName
returns a pointer to an array of strings containing alternative Subjectnames or
Only in Crypt-X509: Makefile.old
diff -ur Crypt-X509-0.32/t/Crypt-X509.t Crypt-X509/t/Crypt-X509.t
--- Crypt-X509-0.32/t/Crypt-X509.t 2007-01-09 19:38:15.000000000 +0100
+++ Crypt-X509/t/Crypt-X509.t 2008-04-17 15:10:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Convert-ASN1-X509.t'
-use Test::More tests => 56;
+use Test::More tests => 58;
BEGIN { use_ok('Crypt::X509') }
$cert = loadcert('t/verisign.der');
is( length $cert, 774, 'certificate file loaded' );
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
# this has also to work twice
is( join( ':', @{ $decoded2->KeyUsage } ), "critical:digitalSignature:keyEncipherment:dataEncipherment", 'Keyusagecheck again' );
+is( join( ':', @{ $decoded2->ExtKeyUsage } ), "clientAuth:emailProtection", 'Extkeyusagecheck' );
+# this has also to work twice
+is( join( ':', @{ $decoded2->ExtKeyUsage } ), "clientAuth:emailProtection", 'Extkeyusagecheck again' );
is( join( ',', @{ $decoded2->Subject } ), "E=alexander.jung\,C=DE,O=Allianz Group,CN=Alexander Jung", 'Subject parsed' );
is( $decoded2->subject_country, "DE", "Subject_country" );
is( $decoded2->subject_state, undef, "Subject_state" );