On Sat Jul 12 12:56:59 2008, Trent wrote:
Show quoted text> I am almost certain that I was able to commit to svk, even when I was
> offline. But, that functionality has ceased to work. It now REQUIRES
> that I be on a network with access to my svn server.
> Where should I start with diagnosing this problem?
> Thanks.
Oh, saw the message on the new ticket page, just after I clicked submission.
- Mac OS X Leopard Darwin Macintosh.local 9.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version
9.3.0: Fri May 23 00:49:16 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.18~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
- perl 5.8.8
Here's the output of the svk commit command...
svk commit pom.xml
Waiting for editor...
Commit into mirrored path: merging back directly.
Merging back to mirror source svn+ssh://svn.mydomain.ca/var/svn/repos.
error: Local proxy could not be resolved.: [22] Invalid argument
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Commit message saved in svk-commitICjES.tmp.
Network connection closed unexpectedly: Connection closed unexpectedly
So, I just realized that it's related to using a "proxy" with SSH. So,
here's the SSH configuration. I am using a program called "proxy tunnel".
Host *.mydomain.ca
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/proxytunnel -v -p abda.mydomain.org:80 -d
%h:%p -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)\n"
ServerAliveInterval 30
So, as you can see, it doesn't work. If I attempt to connect without
the proxy tunnel, I get the same return error code from ssh (255).
I will try and include more as it is requested.