On Fri Jul 04 18:05:45 2008, patrickhayes@maximus.com wrote:
Show quoted text> To Tk group,
> I attached a error log to this email. I am trying to install the Tk
> module. I am getting errors, but do not understand why. Thanks for your
> help.
The error message is somewhat hidden, but here it is:
NMAKE : fatal error U1095: expanded command line 'ar -ru libpTk.a
ClientWin.o Lang_f.o Xlib_f.o XrmOption.o exWinHandle.o imgBMP.o
imgInit.o imgInt_f.o imgObj.o imgUtil.o imgWindow.o imgXBM.o
imgXPM.o ptkCanvGrid.o ptkCanvGroup.o stbDItem.o stbDashCustom.o
stbDiStyle.o strGlue.o stubs.o tclAsync.o tclDecls_f.o tclEvent.o
tclHash.o tclNotify.o tclPreserve.o tclTimer.o tclWinNotify.o
tclWinTime.o tixCompat.o tixDItem.o tixDiITxt.o tixDiImg.o
tixDiStyle.o tixDiText.o tixDiWin.o tixError.o tixForm.o
tixFormMisc.o tixGrData.o tixGrFmt.o tixGrRC.o tixGrSel.o
tixGrSort.o tixGrUtl.o tixGrid.o tixHLCol.o tixHLHdr.o tixHLInd.o
tixHList.o tixImgCmp.o tixImgXpm.o tixImgXpm_f.o tixInputO.o
tixInt_f.o tixList.o tixNBFrame.o tixScroll.o tixSmpLs.o tixTList.o
tixUtils.o tixVars.o tixWinDraw.o tixWinXpm.o tix_f.o tk3d.o
tkAtom.o tkBind.o tkBitmap.o tkButton.o tkCanvArc.o tkCanvBmap.o
tkCanvImg.o tkCanvLine.o tkCanvPoly.o tkCanvPs.o tkCanvText.o
tkCanvUtil.o tkCanvWind.o tkCanvas.o tkClipboard.o tkCmds.o
tkColor.o tkConfig.o tkCursor.o tkDecls_f.o tkEntry.o tkError.o
tkEvent.o tkEvent_f.o tkFileFilter.o tkFocus.o tkFont.o tkFrame.o
tkGC.o tkGeometry.o tkGet.o tkGrab.o tkGrid.o tkImage.o
tkImgBmap.o tkImgGIF.o tkImgPPM.o tkImgPhoto.o tkImgPhoto_f.o
tkImgUtil.o tkIntDecls_f.o tkIntPlatDecls_f.o tkIntXlibDecls_f.o
tkInt_f.o tkListbox.o tkMacWinMenu.o tkMenu.o tkMenuDraw.o
tkMenubutton.o tkMessage.o tkObj.o tkOldConfig.o tkOption.o
tkOption_f.o tkPack.o tkPanedWindow.o tkPlace.o tkPlatDecls_f.o
tkPointer.o tkProperty.o tkRectOval.o tkScale.o tkScrollbar.o
tkSelect.o tkSquare.o tkStubImg.o tkStyle.o tkText.o tkTextBTree.o
tkTextDisp.o tkTextImage.o tkTextIndex.o tkTextMark.o tkTextTag.o
tkTextWind.o tkTrig.o tkUndo.o tkUnixMenubu.o tkUnixScale.o
tkUtil.o tkVisual.o tkWin3d.o tkWinButton.o tkWinClipboard.o
tkWinColor.o tkWinConfig.o tkWinCursor.o tkWinDialog.o tkWinDraw.o
tkWinEmbed.o tkWinFont.o tkWinImage.o tkWinInit.o tkWinKey.o
tkWinMenu.o tkWinPixmap.o tkWinPointer.o tkWinRegion.o tkWinScrlbr.o
tkWinSend.o tkWinTest.o tkWinWindow.o tkWinWm.o tkWinX.o
tkWindow.o tk_f.o xcolors.o xdraw.o xgc.o ximage.o xutil.o' too long
I am not sure what can be done to fix this. I notice that there's two
spaces between the arguments, so one can shorten the command line by
about 200 bytes, but probably this won't be enough.
What's also strange: you're using gcc, but at the same time nmake. I
think this combination may cause problems. Can you try either dmake or
gmake instead of nmake?
It would also be helpful if you send some more information about your
Windows version, and the perl you are using (Strawberry or ActivePerl,
preferably the output of perl -V).