# This is a patch for Module-Install-Substitute-0.02.orig to update it to Module-Install-Substitute-0.02
# To apply this patch:
# STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory.
# STEP 2: Run the 'applypatch' program with this patch file as input.
# If you do not have 'applypatch', it is part of the 'makepatch' package
# that you can fetch from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network:
# In the above URL, 'x' should be 2 or higher.
# To apply this patch without the use of 'applypatch':
# STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory.
# STEP 2: Run the 'patch' program with this file as input.
#### End of Preamble ####
#### Patch data follows ####
diff -c 'Module-Install-Substitute-0.02.orig/Makefile.PL' 'Module-Install-Substitute-0.02/Makefile.PL'
Index: ./Makefile.PL
*** ./Makefile.PL Sun Apr 2 21:32:51 2006
--- ./Makefile.PL Mon Jun 23 16:20:05 2008
*** 11,16 ****
--- 11,17 ----
+ build_requires('File::Path');
diff -c 'Module-Install-Substitute-0.02.orig/t/02basics.t' 'Module-Install-Substitute-0.02/t/02basics.t'
Index: ./t/02basics.t
*** ./t/02basics.t Sun Apr 2 21:24:07 2006
--- ./t/02basics.t Mon Jun 23 16:21:15 2008
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,13 ----
use Test::More no_plan => 1;
use Test::File::Contents;
+ use File::Path qw( mkpath );
use_ok( 'Module::Install::Substitute' );
my $obj = new Module::Install::Substitute;
*** 21,26 ****
--- 23,30 ----
$obj->substitute( { TEST => 'zoo'}, { sufix => '.in' }, 't/data/input/02basics/sufix' );
file_contents_identical('t/data/input/02basics/sufix', 't/data/output/02basics/inline2' );
+ mkpath( 't/data/input/02basics/to' );
$obj->substitute( { TEST => 'bar'},
{ from => 't/data/input/02basics/from', to => 't/data/input/02basics/to' },
#### End of Patch data ####
#### ApplyPatch data follows ####
# Data version : 1.0
# Date generated : Mon Jun 23 16:22:37 2008
# Generated by : makepatch 2.00
# Recurse directories : Yes
# p 'Makefile.PL' 400 1214252405 0100644
# p 't/02basics.t' 1462 1214252475 0100644
#### End of ApplyPatch data ####
#### End of Patch kit [created: Mon Jun 23 16:22:37 2008] ####
#### Checksum: 70 2390 50295 ####