On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 07:03:55AM -0400, Johan Lindstrom via RT said:
Show quoted text> Flymake is a feature in Emacs where you get on-the-fly highlighting of
> compilation errors. An annoyance is that it creates a temp file called
> lib/My/Module_flymake.pm which gets picked up my Module::Pluggable.
I'm very reluctant to do this. I only added in the ignore editor junk
stuff under sufferance and one of my worries was that I'd end up having
to add in every single brand of editor tmp file.
The especially worrying thing about this is that
package My::Module_flymake;
is completely legal and valid.
You can always use the exclude directive to ignore stuff (or patch
Flymake to stick a copy in the tmp directory like it does with Java) so
unless you can give me a really convincing argument I'm afraid I'm not
really willing to do this.