Hi Jesse, hi all,
Jesse via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> Subject: Testing out mailing list integration, apologies, tsee,
> nuffin, audrey, mbarbon
Finally, it works!
I've been quietly bugging Jesse and Robert Spiers about being able to
have a copy of all RT tickets sent to par@perl.org. Among other things,
this is because lots of the tickets are really support requests. Quite
commonly for systems I don't use or parts of the code other people
simply know much better. But to be honest, it's mostly about my not
being able reply timely or appropriately due to other obligations.
My hope is that we can work on the tickets together and keep PAR a
reasonably maintained piece of software.
Much thanks to Jesse and Robert for sorting out their differences with
regards to mail headers and their great support and patience. It's much
Best regards,
P.S.: I'm using this opportunity to sneakily test whether sending mails
in reply to a ticket *and* to the PAR list will make it show up twice on
the list. :)