Subject: | Sending lexical controls to tune speech |
Speech::Synthesis 0.03
perl 5.10.0
festival 1.96
Thank you so much for this module, it is the backbone to my home
automation for knowing what is going on.
Is there anyway in which I can send more than just the text to make it
speak to make it sound more human via the:
my $engine = 'Festival'; # or 'SAPI4', 'MSAgent', 'MacSpeech' or
my $voiceid = 'nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts';
my %params = (engine => $engine, voice => $voiceid, async => 0);
my $ps = Speech::Synthesis->new( %params );
$ps->speak("This is the stay tus, ov, your, appartment.");
$ps->speak("The rest are off.");
As you can see from above I have being trying to tweak the sounds:-)
Is there a better way than what I am trying to do?