Subject: | YML file won't load from cronjob |
Distribution Name and version: Yahoo::Marketing version 4.04
Perl Version: 5.8.8
Operating system: FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE (i386)
I can run my perl Yahoo::Marketing scripts just fine from a command
prompt, but when I attempt to run them as a cronjob, I get the following
error(an example):
YAML Error: Couldn't open yahoo-marketing.yml for input:\n
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Yahoo/Marketing/ line 104
I've tried placing yahoo-marketing.yml in the directory that contains
the scripts(which works fine from the shell prompt), and I've also tried
placing the YML file in the same directory as listed above. I've tried
doing the cronjobe as root, under my account on the system, and as a
webuser with limited permissions. I've tried setting the permissions
multiple ways to get it to work. the YML file currently has
read-write-execute at user level, and read-execute at group and world.
My scripts run, so this isn't a showstopper, but it'd be really nice to
be able to do this from a cronjob.
I don't know if this is a bug or an information I need to
place the YML file at a special location for cronjobs to see it? I've
tried the directory the scripts are in, '/', and the Perl lib directory.