Subject: | ->instance broken by Moose 0.44 |
I just upgraded to Moose 0.44 from Moose 0.40, and this appears to have
broken MooseX::Singleton...
My package is:
package API::Roles::TangramWrapper::Map;
use MooseX::Singleton;
has 'map' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
default => sub { {} },
In another package I was saying:
API::Roles::TangramWrapper::Map->instance->map()->{$for} = $class;
a number of times (to fill the HashRef with data), and later on:
my $to = API::Roles::TangramWrapper::Map->instance->map->{blessed($t)};
This now *fails*, however if I remove the ->instance, then everything
works as it used to...