Subject: | InterpolateVars interpolates into single quoted strings |
The documentation in Config::General::Interpolated states:
Variables inside double quotes will be interpolated, but variables
inside single quotes will not interpolated. This is the same behavior as
you know of perl itself.
However, I haven't been able to get that to work. Here's some example
code and its output:
% cat
use Config::General qw( ParseConfig );
use Data::Dumper;
my $config = q/
foo = 1
goo = '$foo'
print Dumper { ParseConfig( -String => $config, -InterPolateVars => 1,) };
% perl
$VAR1 = {
'goo' => '\'1\'',
'foo' => '1'
I expected goo to be equal to the string $foo and for the single quotes
to be removed.