Matt S Trout wrote:
Show quoted text> This -is- your bug.
> the DBIx::Class tests themselves run fine without SQL::Translator because
Good for your tests. My tests however, use DBIx::Class deploy, as
documented as public API, and it blows up on a version issue not listed
in prereq.
Show quoted text> they provide a DDL file; deploy() only needs SQLT on the *build* side to
> generate that file originally, which is why it's not marked as a dependency
> on the DBIx::Class dist itself.
> Please fix UUIDColumns' tests.
I do NOT use SQL::Translator directly. I make sure it is loaded,
fulfilling the requirements in the deploy POD. DBIx::Class requires a
specific version or it dies...a version not listed as a prereq [or in
the pod]. Please fix your code, update your pod, or make it a prereq.
Show quoted text> C:\DBIx-Class-0.08010\DBIx-Class-0.08010>ack 0.08
> lib\DBIx\Class\Storage\
> 1332: $self->throw_exception(q{Can't create a ddl file without SQL::Translator 0.08: '}
> 1482: $self->throw_exception(q{Can't deploy without SQL::Translator 0.08: '}
> 1567: eval 'use SQL::Translator 0.08';
In no way should I have to inspect SQL::Translators version just to
appease internal code in DBIx::Class. When that internal code changes
(to require SQL::T 0.09 or something), now mine and every other dist
using deploy has to change...again. That's bogons.
deploy is described as:
Show quoted text> deploy
> Arguments: $sqlt_args, $dir
> Attempts to deploy the schema to the current storage using SQL::Translator.
> See "METHODS" in SQL::Translator for a list of values for $sqlt_args. The most common value for this would be { add_drop_table => 1, } to have the SQL produced include a DROP TABLE statement for each table created.
> Additionally, the DBIx::Class parser accepts a sources parameter as a hash ref or an array ref, containing a list of source to deploy. If present, then only the sources listed will get deployed.
And that's exactly how I'm using it. And it goes boom. It's not my fault
it goes boom.