Subject: | Use "mod_perl2" Instead of "mod_perl" in PREREQ_PM of Makefile.PL |
Dear Beau E. Cox,
Hi. This is imacat from Taiwan. I found that your
MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05 is not actually looking for mod_perl 2.x, but
mod_perl 1.x. I tried to look into your Makefile.PL. It lists a
virtual module "mod_perl", which is only available in mod_perl 1.x.
This virtual module has changed its name to "mod_perl2" since mod_perl
2.x. Thus when you list "mod_perl" in the PREREQ_PM, it actually looks
for mod_perl 1.x, but not mod_perl 2.x. You should use list "mod_perl2"
instead of "mod_perl" in the PREREQ_PM of your Makefile.PL.
The attached terminal log below is what I have tested on my system
which has mod_perl 2.x installed. As it shows, it did not found the
already-installed mod_perl 2.x and prompt me to install it, which later
it actually will install mod_perl 1.x.
imacat@rinse tmp/MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05 % perl -mApache2::Util
-e'print $Apache2::Util::VERSION;'; echo
imacat@rinse tmp/MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05 % perl Makefile.PL
MasonX::Apache2Handler is an EXPERIMENTAL BETA RELEASE!
Please install and use it only on a test system.
(But it really, really works! The brave-hearted can use
it in production.)
Aloha => Beau;
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite Apache::Cookie 2.02-dev not found.
Warning: prerequisite Apache::Request 2.02-dev not found.
Warning: prerequisite HTML::Mason 1.25 not found.
Warning: prerequisite mod_perl 1.991 not found.
Writing Makefile for MasonX::Apache2Handler
imacat@rinse tmp/MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05 %
Also, for the same reason, the Makefile.PL should look for
Apache2::Cookie and Apache2::Request, but not Apache::Cookie and
I have made a simple patch against MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05, in
the hope that it helps. Please tell me if you need any more
information, or if I could be of any help. Thank you.
Subject: | MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05-mod_perl2.diff |
Hash: SHA1
diff -u -r MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05.orig/Makefile.PL MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05/Makefile.PL
- --- MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05.orig/Makefile.PL 2004-04-14 03:12:05.000000000 +0800
+++ MasonX-Apache2Handler-0.05/Makefile.PL 2008-04-04 03:06:48.000000000 +0800
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/MasonX/', # finds $VERSION
- - mod_perl => 1.9910,
+ mod_perl2 => 2,
'HTML::Mason' => 1.25,
- - 'Apache::Request' => '2.02-dev',
- - 'Apache::Cookie' => '2.02-dev',
+ 'Apache2::Request' => '2.02-dev',
+ 'Apache2::Cookie' => '2.02-dev',
}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
(ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/MasonX/', # retrieve abstract from module
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)