Subject: | Missing double quote |
Dear Sir
We encountered a problem when converting a GB2312 XLS file to UTF-8
CSV file with (see attached files)
The command is as follows:- -x original_GB2312_file.XLS -b GB2312 -c
conv_utf8_file.csv -a UTF-8
The uses TEXT-CSV_XLS (0.34) modules to write the CSV file.
A record was found missing double quote (the second column) as
/* quote */
/* unquote */
Your help is appreciated
Thank you
Subject: | orignal_GB2312_file.XLS |
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Subject: | |
use strict;
use 5.006;
use Getopt::Std;
use Locale::Recode;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode;
use Text::CSV_XS;
our $VERSION = '1.06';
=head1 NAME
xls2csv - A script that recodes a spreadsheet's charset and saves as CSV.
This script will recode a spreadsheet into a different character set
and output the recoded data as a csv file.
The script came about after many headaches from dealing with Excel spreadsheets
from clients that were being received in various character sets.
=head1 OPTIONS
-x : filename of the source spreadsheet
-b : the character set the source spreadsheet is in (before)
-c : the filename to save the generated csv file as
-a : the character set the csv file should be converted to (after)
-q : quiet mode
-s : print a list of supported character sets
-h : print help message
-v : get version information
-W : list worksheets in the spreadsheet specified by -x
-w : specify the worksheet name to convert (defaults to the first worksheet)
The following example will convert a spreadsheet that is in the WINDOWS-1252 character set (WinLatin1)
and save it as a csv file in the UTF-8 character set.
xls2csv -x "1252spreadsheet.xls" -b WINDOWS-1252 -c "ut8csvfile.csv" -a UTF-8
This example with convert the worksheet named "Users" in the given spreadsheet.
xls2csv -x "multi_worksheet_spreadsheet.xls" -w "Users" -c "users.csv"
=head1 NOTES
The spreadsheet's charset (-b) will default to UTF-8 if not set.
If the csv's charset (-a) is not set, the CSV file will be created using the same charset as the spreadsheet.
This script requires the following modules:
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode (should be included with Spreadsheet::ParseExcel)
=head1 CAVEATS
It probably will not work work with spreadsheets that use formulas.
A line in the spreadsheet is assumed to be blank if there is nothing in the first column.
Some users have reported problems trying to convert a spreadsheet while it was opened in a different application.
You should probably make sure that no other programs are working with the spreadsheet while you are converting it.
my %O;
getopts('x:b:c:a:qshvWw:', \%O);
HELP_MESSAGE() if !%O or $O{'h'};
if ($O{'s'})
print "\nThe following character sets are supported:\n\n";
my $Supported = Locale::Recode->getSupported;
foreach my $CharSet (sort @$Supported)
print "$CharSet\n";
print "\n";
my $SourceFilename = $O{'x'} || die "The filename of the spreadsheet (-x) is required.";
my $SourceCharset = $O{'b'};
$SourceCharset = 'UTF-8' unless $SourceCharset;
unless ($O{'q'})
print "Now reading \"$SourceFilename\" as $SourceCharset.\n";
my $XLS = new IO::File;
$XLS->open("< $SourceFilename") || die "Cannot open spreadsheet: $!";
my $Formatter = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode->new(Unicode_Map => $SourceCharset);
my $Book = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->Parse($XLS, $Formatter) || die "Can't read spreadsheet!";
if ($O{'W'})
print "\nThe following " . ($Book->{SheetCount}>1 ? "$Book->{SheetCount} worksheets are" : "worksheet is") . " defined in the spreadsheet:\n\n";
foreach my $Sheet (@{$Book->{Worksheet}})
print "$Sheet->{Name}\n";
print "\n";
my $DestFilename = $O{'c'} || die "The filename to save the csv file as (-c) is required.";
my $DestCharset = $O{'a'};
$DestCharset = $SourceCharset unless $DestCharset;
my $Sheet;
if ($O{'w'})
$Sheet = $Book->Worksheet($O{'w'});
die "Invalid worksheet" if !defined $Sheet;
unless ($O{'q'})
print qq|Converting the "$Sheet->{Name}" worksheet.\n|;
($Sheet) = @{$Book->{Worksheet}};
if (!$O{'q'} && $Book->{SheetCount}>1)
print qq|Multiple worksheets found. Will convert the "$Sheet->{Name}" worksheet.\n|;
open CSV, "> $DestFilename" || die "Cannot create csv file: $!" ;
binmode CSV;
my $Csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
'quote_char' => '"',
'escape_char' => '"',
'sep_char' => ',',
'binary' => 1,
my $Recoder;
if ($O{'a'})
$Recoder = Locale::Recode->new(from=>$SourceCharset, to=>$DestCharset);
for ( my $Row = $Sheet->{MinRow} ; defined $Sheet->{MaxRow} && $Row <= $Sheet->{MaxRow} ; $Row++ )
my @Row;
for ( my $Col = $Sheet->{MinCol} ; defined $Sheet->{MaxCol} && $Col <= $Sheet->{MaxCol} ; $Col++ )
my $Cell = $Sheet->{Cells}[$Row][$Col];
my $Value = "";
if ($Cell)
$Value = $Cell->Value;
if ($Value eq 'GENERAL')
# Sometimes numbers are read incorrectly as "GENERAL".
# In this case, the correct value should be in ->{Val}.
$Value = $Cell->{Val};
if ($O{'a'})
# We assume the line is blank if there is nothing in the first column.
last if $Col == $Sheet->{MinCol} and !$Value;
push(@Row, $Value);
next unless @Row;
my $Status = $Csv->combine(@Row);
if (!$O{'q'} and !defined $Status)
my $Error = $Csv->error_input();
warn "ERROR FOUND!: $Error";
if (defined $Status)
my $Line = $Csv->string();
print CSV "$Line\n";
close CSV;
unless ($O{'q'})
print "The spreadsheet has been converted to $DestCharset and saved as \"$DestFilename\".\n";
print << "EOF";
This is xls2csv version $VERSION
Copyright (C) 2005 Ken Prows. All rights reserved.
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and\\or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
For help, use "xls2csv -h"
print << "EOF";
xls2csv - Recode a spreadsheet's charset and save as CSV.
usage: xls2csv -x spreadsheet.xls [-w worksheet] [-b charset] [-c csvfile.csv] [-a charset] [-qshvW]
-x : filename of the source spreadsheet
-b : the character set the source spreadsheet is in (before)
-c : the filename to save the generated csv file as
-a : the character set the csv file should be converted to (after)
-q : quiet mode
-s : print a list of supported character sets
-h : this help message
-v : get version information
-W : list worksheets in the spreadsheet specified by -x
-w : specify the worksheet name to convert (defaults to the first worksheet)
example: xls2csv -x "spreadsheet.xls" -b WINDOWS-1252 -c "csvfile.csv" -a UTF-8
More detailed help is in "perldoc xls2csv"
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Prows (
Copyright (C) 2005 Ken Prows. All rights reserved.
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Subject: | conv_utf8_file.csv |
Message body not shown because it is not plain text.