Daniel Muey via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL:
http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=34586 >
> On Tue Apr 01 01:34:51 2008, adamkennedybackup@gmail.com wrote:
>> As an aside, I'd recommend you keep "use strict" in the code.
>> It keeps the code clean and is going to be used anyway by almost every
>> program in existance (either direct or via a module)
>> So strict.pm is basically free.
> Generally I would agree, the constraints of an uber memory efficient project I am working on
> have strict disabled in production so I decided to leave it out in production here to since it
> won't gain us anything in this case. (then if they want to use it elsewhere they can no
> problem)
> I will add note to that effect in the code to avoid ambiguity but I'd like to shave off as much
> memory as possible and strict add 184K (plus you know have to 'use vars' which bumps it up
> to 272K)
I've been avoiding use vars myself, yes.
The idea of using Perl in a situation you can't afford the cost of use
strict is interesting though, if you need it at some point I'd consider
removing it from the other ::tiny modules.
Personally, in such a constrained environment, I would have imagined
something like Python (with it's very very small runtime) or more likely
compiled langauges would be more appropriate.
Adam K