On Sun Mar 23 18:07:27 2008, gbarr@pobox.com wrote:
Show quoted text> what do you see, in both cases, if you turn on debugging with
> $ldap_conn->debug(15); just before you call to modify ?
Below is the debug output. One is with two attributes (which updates the
single-value attribute with the second value). One is with three
attributes (which generates the expected error 65).
With two values:
Net::LDAP=HASH(0x1b9f678) sending:
30 6A 02 01 02 66 65 04 37 78 78 78 67 75 69 64 0j...fe.7xxxguid
3D 78 78 78 78 78 78 2C 6F 75 3D 70 65 6F 70 6C =xxxxxx,ou=peopl
65 2C 6F 75 3D 69 6E 74 72 61 6E 65 74 2C 64 63 e,ou=intranet,dc
3D 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 2C 64 63 3D 63 6F 6D =xxxxxxxx,dc=com
30 2A 30 28 0A 01 02 30 23 04 17 78 78 78 57 6F 0*0(...0#..xxxWo
72 6B 50 72 6F 66 69 6C 65 57 6F 72 6B 50 6C 61 rkProfileWorkPla
63 65 31 08 04 01 78 04 03 79 79 79 __ __ __ __ ce1...x..yyy
0000 106: SEQUENCE {
0002 1: INTEGER = 2
0005 101: [APPLICATION 6] {
0007 55: STRING =
0040 42: SEQUENCE {
0042 40: SEQUENCE {
0044 1: ENUM = 2
0047 35: SEQUENCE {
0049 23: STRING = 'xxxWorkProfileWorkPlace'
0062 8: SET {
0064 1: STRING = 'x'
0067 3: STRING = 'yyy'
006C : }
006C : }
006C : }
006C : }
006C : }
006C : }
Net::LDAP=HASH(0x1b9f678) received:
30 0C 02 01 02 67 07 0A 01 00 04 00 04 00 __ __ 0....g........
0000 12: SEQUENCE {
0002 1: INTEGER = 2
0005 7: [APPLICATION 7] {
0007 1: ENUM = 0
000A 0: STRING = ''
000C 0: STRING = ''
000E : }
000E : }
With three values:
Net::LDAP=HASH(0x1b9f678) sending:
30 6F 02 01 02 66 6A 04 37 78 78 78 67 75 69 64 0o...fj.7xxxguid
3D 78 78 78 78 78 70 2C 6F 75 3D 70 65 6F 70 6C =xxxxxx,ou=peopl
65 2C 6F 75 3D 69 6E 74 72 61 6E 65 74 2C 64 63 e,ou=intranet,dc
3D 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 2C 64 63 3D 63 6F 6D =xxxxxxxx,dc=com
30 2F 30 2D 0A 01 02 30 28 04 17 78 78 78 57 6F 0/0-...0(..xxxWo
72 6B 50 72 6F 66 69 6C 65 57 6F 72 6B 50 6C 61 rkProfileWorkPla
63 65 31 0D 04 01 78 04 03 79 79 79 04 03 78 78 ce1...x..yyy..xx
78 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ x
0000 111: SEQUENCE {
0002 1: INTEGER = 2
0005 106: [APPLICATION 6] {
0007 55: STRING =
0040 47: SEQUENCE {
0042 45: SEQUENCE {
0044 1: ENUM = 2
0047 40: SEQUENCE {
0049 23: STRING = 'xxxWorkProfileWorkPlace'
0062 13: SET {
0064 1: STRING = 'x'
0067 3: STRING = 'yyy'
006C 3: STRING = 'xxx'
0071 : }
0071 : }
0071 : }
0071 : }
0071 : }
0071 : }
Net::LDAP=HASH(0x1b9f678) received:
30 0C 02 01 02 67 07 0A 01 41 04 00 04 00 __ __ 0....g...A....
0000 12: SEQUENCE {
0002 1: INTEGER = 2
0005 7: [APPLICATION 7] {
0007 1: ENUM = 65
000A 0: STRING = ''
000C 0: STRING = ''
000E : }
000E : }