Subject: | Please remove 1.80_91 (principle of least surprise) |
The convention on CPAN has always been to have developer versions that
are (after s/_//g) numerically lower than the release one is preparing.
This has never been specified as a requirement because we thought
developer versions would be informal. But in the meantime all the tools
dealing with CPAN have a strong focus on developer versions and some of
them give a wrong impression about the dev status when the developer
chose a higher version number for a dev release than the stable release
they prepared.
From looking at the release date one can determine that 1.80_91 came
before 1.80 and that is is not the preparation of the next release. But
cpantesters and RT, are soring according to the quite natural
expectation of monotonically increasing version numbers.
Needless to say that downstream packagers pull out their hairs when we
cannot tell them which version is more recent and tell them to look at
the publishing date.
I'd welcome the removal of 1.80_91 from CPAN so that third party tools
have an easier job.