Passing in XML docs to old and new recieved this error upon compare:
Can't locate object method "setAttribute" via package
XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment" at (snip)/lib/perl5/site_perl/
5.10.0/XML/ line 894.
I don't know if it matters, but the docs were the result of XSLT
transformation from XML::LibXSLT:
my $old_results = $xslt_stylesheet->transform($old_source);
my $new_results = $xslt_stylesheet->transform($new_source);
(old and new results are supposed to be LibXML documents)
but if I output the results to a file, and xml::diff the files using the
file names, it works ok:
$xslt_stylesheet->output_file($old_results, $old_file_out);
$xslt_stylesheet->output_file($new_results, $new_file_out);