Subject: | Build from CPAN fails (Strawberry Perl 5.10.0) |
The build of Win32::GUI v1.06 fails at the link stage when building from
the CPAN shell.
This is due to the default CPAN::Config having the follwing setting:
makepl_arg => q[LIBS=-LC:\\strawberry\\c\\lib
which overrides the LIBS set in the Makefile.PL, preventing the module
linking with comctl32.lib
Work arounds:
(1) perform 'look Win32::GUI' from the CPAN shell, and at the new
command-prompt do the 'perl Makefile.PL; dmake; dmake test; dmake
install' chant.
(2) unset the makepl_arg option. (do this temporarily by 'o conf
makepl_arg ""' make permanent by 'o conf commit')
(3) add -lcomctl32 to $config{perllibs} by editing
I'll be posting a link to this ticket at
and hoping that the distribution owners can suggest a more permanent