Subject: | Feature suggestion: DynamicMouseWheelBind |
The attached files provide a small addon to Tk::Widget. MouseWheel
events are directed to the widgets under the Cursor instead of the
focused widget.
I could make it a cpan package, but it might also be nice to have it in
the core distribution.
require Tk::DynaMouseWheelBind;
'Whatever needs to be scrolled'
Subject: | dyna_mousewheel_bind.t |
use Tk;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More tests => 10;
require_ok ('Tk::DynaMouseWheelBind');
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
my $e = $mw->Entry->pack;
my $t = $mw->Scrolled('Text', -height => 10 )->pack();
$t = $t->Subwidget('scrolled');
$t->insert('end', "line $_\n") for (1..100);
my $c = $mw->Scrolled('Canvas',
-scrollregion => [0,0,1000,1000],
-bg => 'white',
$c = $c->Subwidget('scrolled');
-text => 'a text item',
my $p = $mw->Scrolled('Pane')->pack;
$p = $p->Subwidget('scrolled');
for (1..20){
for ($p, $c, $t){
$_->yview(moveto => .5);
for my $ev(['<5>'],['<4>'],['<MouseWheel>',-delta => -120]){
for my $w($t, $c, $p){
# $mw->eventGenerate('<Motion>',
# -x => $w->rootx + ($w->width) /2 - $mw->rootx ,
# -y => $w->rooty + ($w->height) /2 - $mw->rooty ,
# -warp => 1);
my $y = ($w->yview)[0];
my $delta = abs ($y - ($w->yview)[0]);
ok($delta > 0.01 , "$w scrolling delta: $delta");
Subject: | |
require Tk::Widget;
package Tk::Widget;
use strict;
use warnings;
# keep Tk::Widgets namespace clean
sub DynaMouseWheelBind{
my $w = shift;
my @classes = @_;
my $mw = $w->MainWindow;
for my $class (@classes) {
eval "require $class" or die $@;
# initialize class bindings so the following changes
# won't get overridden
# replace MouseWheel bindings - these should be processed
# through the $mw binding only
my @mw_events = ('<MouseWheel>',
$mw->bind($class,$_,'') for (@mw_events);
# setup two bindings to track the window under the cursor
# and globally receive <MouseWheel>
$setup = sub{
my $mw = shift;
$mw->bind('all','<MouseWheel>',[$mousewheel_event, Tk::Ev('D')]);
$mw->bind('all','<4>',[$mousewheel_event, 120]);
$mw->bind('all','<5>',[$mousewheel_event, -120]);
my $under_cursor ;
my $scrollable;
my $delta;
$motion = sub {
$under_cursor = $_[0]->XEvent->Info('W');
$do_scroll = sub{
$mousewheel_event = sub{
my $widget = shift;
$delta = shift;
# just in case, the mouse has not been moved yet:
my $w = $under_cursor ||= $widget;
# print "under_cursor:[$under_cursor]\n";
my @tags = $w->bindtags;
my $has_binding;
until ($has_binding || $w->isa('Tk::Toplevel')){
$has_binding = 1 ;
$w = $w->parent;
if ($has_binding) {
$scrollable = $w;
} # end of scope for $under_cursor, $scrollable, $delta