Or just don't use Module::Install at all!
These are replacements using ExtUtil::MakeMaker and Module::Build:
--- Build.PL --------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
use Module::Build;
die "This module is known to exercise a bug in 5.6.0. Please upgrade
your perl.\n"
if $] eq '5.006';
my $build = Module::Build->new( module_name => 'Getargs::Long',
dist_author => 'David Coppit
dist_version_from => 'lib/Getargs/Long.pm',
requires => {
'Log::Agent' => '0.105',
'Test::More' => 0
license => 'perl',
create_readme => 1,
create_makefile_pl => 'traditional' );
--- Makefile.PL -----------------------
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
die "This module is known to exercise a bug in 5.6.0. Please upgrade
your perl.\n"
if $] eq '5.006';
WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Getargs::Long',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Getargs/Long.pm',
ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Getargs/Long.pm',
AUTHOR => 'David Coppit <david@coppit.org>',
PREREQ_PM => { 'Test::More' => 0,
'Log::Agent' => '0.105' },
BTW, I will gladly take over the module maintenance (or share it with
you) if you are not interested on it anymore.
- Salva