Subject: | Taking a screenshot from a non-toplevel Tk widget fails |
I know that the "widget" option is not documented. Even so, here's a
report regarding this option. The following one-liner fails
$ perl -MImager::Screenshot=screenshot -MTk -e '$l=tkinit->Label(-text
=> "hello, world")->pack;$l->update;screenshot(widget => $l)'
wrong # args: should be "frame pathName ?options?" at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/mach/Imager/ line 72.
It seems that $widget->can("frame") returns always a CODE reference on
my system, but $widget->frame fails afterwards. This is with newest
Perl/Tk from the SVN repository and with the older Tk 804.027, perl
5.8.8 on a FreeBSD 6.2 system.