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This queue is for tickets about the PerlPoint-Package CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 32482
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: PerlPoint-Package

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: STEFFENW [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 0.42
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: --target ???
This documentation is a little caotic. --- I install the newest available version 0.42, using ppm at Windows. I can read that I have to give a style_dir and a style, but I can't read anything about the module PerlPoint Converters. There is no ppm and so i download this in my test dir. I run the following command: D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp or D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style_dir PerlPoint-Converters-1.0205 \pp2html_styles --style orange_slides Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp --- [BUG] Missing target language parameter. --- I found out, there is a D:\Perl\site\lib\PerlPoint\Generator\XML\XHTML\ and than I write D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --target XML::XHTML::Paged --style_dir PerlPoint-Converters-1.0205\pp2html_styles --style orange_slides Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp --- [Fatal] Missing plugin PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::PAGED, please install it (Can't locate XML/ in @INC (@INC contains: PerlPoint-Converters-1. 0205\pp2html_styles/orange_slides/lib D:/Perl/site/lib D:/Perl/lib .) at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/ line 76. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/ line 76. Compilation failed in require at (eval 93) line 3. ...propagated at D:/Perl/lib/ line 91. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/XML/ line 94. Compilation failed in require at (eval 92) line 3. ...propagated at D:/Perl/lib/ line 91. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/XML/XH TML/ line 62. Compilation failed in require at (eval 91) line 3. ). --- And there is no slides output.
Subject: Re: [ #32482] --target ???
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 21:12:01 +0100 (CET)
To: bug-PerlPoint-Package [...]
From: "Jochen Stenzel" <perl [...]>
Hallo Steffen, nehmen wir mal fuer schnelle Hilfe den kurzen Dienstweg ... Show quoted text
> I install the newest available version 0.42, using ppm at Windows. I > can read that I have to give a style_dir and a style, but I can't read > anything about the module PerlPoint Converters. There is no ppm and so > i download this in my test dir.
Das Konverter-Paket ist optional. Wenn Du den Konverter "perlpoint" verwendest, brauchst Du es nicht. Show quoted text
> I run the following command: > > D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp > > or > > D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style_dir PerlPoint-Converters-1.0205 > \pp2html_styles --style orange_slides Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp
perlpoint uebersetzt in verschiedene Formate, deshalb braucht es eine Angabe ueber das Zielformat, mit der Option -target. Show quoted text
> [BUG] Missing target language parameter.
Eine hoffentlich bessere Dokumentation des Aufrufs findest Du hier: bzw. etwas ausfuehrlicher hier Welche Dokumentation hattest Du gelesen? Show quoted text
> I found out, there is a > D:\Perl\site\lib\PerlPoint\Generator\XML\XHTML\
Genau ... Show quoted text
> and than I write > > D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --target XML::XHTML::Paged --style_dir > PerlPoint-Converters-1.0205\pp2html_styles --style orange_slides > Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp
Das sieht richtig aus. Show quoted text
> [Fatal] Missing plugin PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::PAGED, please > install it [...]
Hm, Du hast das Modul aber nach eigener Beschreibung schon installiert. Was mir an der Meldung auffaellt, ist die durchgehende Grossschreibung von PAGED, obwohl Du im Aufruf die richtige Schreibweise verwendet hattest. Das kann ich jetzt auf die Schnelle nicht einordnen (ich schreibe von unterwegs). Welches perl verwendest Du? Unter Windows habe ich erfolgreich mit PxPerl und Strawberry Perl gearbeitet - ah, Du verwendest ppm, dann ist es ActivePerl. Das habe ich in der Tat schon laenger nicht ausprobiert. Show quoted text
> And there is no slides output.
Du koenntest es alternativ mit dem All-in-One-Package probieren: perlpoint-binary-win ( Das Exe-File ist mit PAR konstruiert und sollte alle benoetigten Module (in PAR-Verzeichnisse extrahieren und) richtig finden. Sonst muessen wir spaeter nochmal einen Blick darauf werfen, wenn ich zu Hause bin. Bis dann Jochen
From: JSTENZEL [...]
Sorry for the German answer. I answered via email and did not realize the answer would be sent back to RT. Please see below for an English solution.
The idea of the perlpoint output options ist that first a basic output format is specified using -target, and than a formatter is chosen for the required format variant. In the case of the given example, the base format is XML, and the formatter is XHTML::Paged. So, instead of -target XML::XHTML::Paged the required option sequence is -target XML -formatter XHTML::Paged The error in the first case is caused because basic format generators have capitalized names by convention. The perlpoint utility transformed the given name into XML::XHTML::PAGED, but then it could not find a related module to load. Sorry that the documentation did not point out clearly how to call perlpoint. Please let me know which documentation you read so that I can improve it. For now, please try perldoc perlpoint perlpoint -help or one of the tutorial pages mentioned above: (short), (long) Regards Jochen Stenzel
Show quoted text
> or one of the tutorial pages mentioned above: > > (short), > > ...
The second link was wrong, it should read (long)
From: STEFFENW [...]
This was a long way to find that modules are missing. Where are the prerequisites? -------------------------------------------- D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format XHTML::Paged Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp [Fatal] Missing plugin PerlPoint::Generator::XML, please install it (Can't locate XML/ in @INC (@INC contains: ./perlpoint/lib D:/Perl/site/lib D:/Perl/lib .) at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/ line 76. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/ line 76. Compilation failed in require at (eval 91) line 3. ). -------------------------------------------- Installing: XML::Generator -------------------------------------------- D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format XHTML::Paged Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp [Fatal] Missing plugin PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged, please install it (Can't locate HTML/TagCloud/ in @INC (@INC contains: ./perlpoint/lib D:/Perl/site/lib D:/Perl/lib .) at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/XML/ line 108. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/XML/ line 108. Compilation failed in require at (eval 94) line 3. ...propagated at D:/Perl/lib/ line 91. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/Perl/site/lib/PerlPoint/Generator/XML/XHTML/ line 62. Compilation failed in require at (eval 93) line 3. ). -------------------------------------------- Installing: HTML::TagCloud::Extended -------------------------------------------- D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format XHTML::Paged Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp perlpoint.bat 0.02, (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. This is a PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged converter. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2004-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML 0.07 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator 0.02 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. [Fatal] Missing mandatory option -doctitle. --- D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format XHTML::Paged --doctitle "Object::Lazy - Lazy Evaluation for Objekts of non owned Classes" Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp perlpoint.bat 0.02, (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. This is a PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged converter. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2004-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML 0.07 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator 0.02 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. [Fatal] Missing mandatory option -prefix. --- D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format XHTML::Paged --prefix ObjectLazy --doctitle "Object::Lazy - Lazy Evaluation for Objekts of non owned Classes" Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp perlpoint.bat 0.02, (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. This is a PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged converter. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2004-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML 0.07 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator 0.02 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. [Fatal] Missing mandatory option -suffix. --- D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format XHTML::Paged --prefix ObjectLazy --suffix xhtml -- doctitle "Object::Lazy - Lazy Evaluation for Objekts of non owned Classes" Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp perlpoint.bat 0.02, (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. This is a PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged converter. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2004-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML 0.07 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator 0.02 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. [Info] The PerlPoint parser 0.42 starts. Active contents is ignored. Paragraph cache is deactivated. [Info] Processing Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp ... [Error 1] Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp, line 1: File H:\pp\macros.pp does not exist or cannot be read (current directory: H:/pp). ... 13 chapters read. Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp was parsed in 0 seconds. [Info] Input contains 1 semantic error. [Info] Parsing completed. ----------------------------------------- create an empty file: macros.pp because macros.pp is default for the "German Perl Workshop" handout layout ----------------------------------------- D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format XHTML::Paged --prefix ObjectLazy --suffix .html -- doctitle "Object::Lazy - Lazy Evaluation for Objekts of non owned Classes" Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp perlpoint.bat 0.02, (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. This is a PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged converter. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-stenzel .de), 2004-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML 0.07 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2 003-2006. PerlPoint::Generator::XML 0.04 (c) J. Stenzel (perl@jochen-, 2003-200 6. PerlPoint::Generator 0.02 (c) J. Stenzel (, 2003-2005. [Info] The PerlPoint parser 0.42 starts. Active contents is ignored. Paragraph cache is deactivated. [Info] Processing Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp ... ... 13 chapters read. Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp was parsed in 0 seconds. [Info] Input ok. Statistics: ----------- 13 headlines, 12 texts, 0 unordered list points, 3 ordered list points, 0 definition list points, 0 blocks, 7 verbatim blocks, 4 tags 0 right list shifters, 0 left list shifters, and 0 comments were detected. [Info] Parsing completed. [Info] Perl Point backend "PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged" starts. ... 13 chapters processed. Stream processed in 1 seconds. [Info] Backend "PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged" is ready. [Info] Finish started ... [Info] Finish completed.
Show quoted text
> This was a long way to find that modules are missing. Where are the > prerequisites?
You mean the listing of distribution required to install PerlPoint::Package, found in Makefile.PL, I assume. The problem is that the generator, formatter and template modules are no prerequisites in the usual sense. They are *not* required to use perlpoint, basically. Instead, being plugins they add optional functionality: * perlpoint is a general converter that can produce various output formats. To do so, it uses plugins. * -target ABC is a request to produce format ABC. By convention, it is accepted there is a module PerlPoint::Generator::ABC that provides the necessary functionality. perlpoint searches for the module and complains if it is not installed. * Likewise, -formatter DEF (used with -target ABC) is a request to format the ABC output the DEF way. Again, by convention it is expected the necessary module is installed as PerlPoint::Generator::ABC::DEF. If it cannot be found, perlpoint recommends to install it. * A similar concept is true for the template engines which can be plugged in. The template engine use is usually hidden in styles. Again, it seems the documentation of PerlPoint::Package did not clearly explain this concept. I think it is explained clearly in the quick start guide and the tutorial, but it seems the package docs need to be improved. Could you please tell me which documentation you read? perlpoint -h also provides an intro but I confess it is misleading, as it reports the XML plugins were installed with PerlPoint::Package. The help needs to be fixed at this point. As a note, the all-in-one packages mentioned above should contain all available plugins and their prerequisites, so they can be used for an instant start. Show quoted text
> -------------------------------------------- > > D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format > XHTML::Paged Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp > > [Fatal] Missing plugin PerlPoint::Generator::XML, please install it
The generator plugin module is missing and perlpoint recommends to install it. Show quoted text
> -------------------------------------------- > > Installing: XML::Generator > > -------------------------------------------- > > D:\Perl\site\bin\perlpoint.bat --style perlpoint --target XML --format > XHTML::Paged Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp > [Fatal] Missing plugin PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged, please > install it (Can't locate HTML/TagCloud/ in @INC (@INC
You are right, here a prerequisite listing is missing and needs to be added to the plugins distribution. Show quoted text
> -------------------------------------------- > > Installing: HTML::TagCloud::Extended > > -------------------------------------------- >
The following messages are related to missing mandatory options. An explanation of these options is given when calling perlpoint -help -target XML -formatter XHTML::Paged Show quoted text
> [Info] The PerlPoint parser 0.42 starts. > Active contents is ignored. > Paragraph cache is deactivated. > [Info] Processing Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp ... > [Error 1] Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp, line 1: File H:\pp\macros.pp does > not exist or cannot be read (current directory: H:/pp). > ... 13 chapters read. > Object-Lazy_STEFFENW.pp was parsed in 0 seconds. > [Info] Input contains 1 semantic error. > [Info] Parsing completed. > > ----------------------------------------- > > create an empty file: macros.pp > > because macros.pp is default for the "German Perl Workshop" handout > layout
Alternatively, if the macros are not required to produce your slides, you could delete the \INCLUDE tag for macros.pp in line 1. Show quoted text
> [Info] Parsing completed. > > [Info] Perl Point backend "PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged" > starts. > ... 13 chapters processed. > Stream processed in 1 seconds. > > [Info] Backend "PerlPoint::Generator::XML::XHTML::Paged" is ready. > > [Info] Finish started ... > [Info] Finish completed.
Thank you for your report. I added the tasks to the todo lists and will try to improve the next release in these points.
How to use PerlPoint: PerlPoint I found perlpoint or PerlPoint-Package. Then I use ppm and install this package. There is a getting startet documentation. I write an pp-File using the described examples. Than I run: pp2html -style_dir $PPCPATH/pp2html_styles -style orange_slides coffee.pp This is the END, doesn't run. What is $PPCPATH and styles? I can't read anything. --- The next idea is: found somthing about style. read the perlpoint documentation. There are al lot of options but no - style_dir or -style --- Next I found an SEE ALSO PerlPoint::Generator. This POD is like nothing. --- The most important problem is, there are no defaults to get a first output of slides. It's frustrating only. Why doesn't run: pp2html coffee.pp
Thank you for the honest report. Show quoted text
> How to use PerlPoint:
An introduction is given at, a site which contains a tutorial and a (newer) version of the "Getting Started" document and a tutorial. This site should be mentioned in the README file of the package. Show quoted text
> PerlPoint > > I found perlpoint or PerlPoint-Package. Then I use ppm and install > this package.
This is correct. PerlPoint::Package contains the framework and a set of converters, most importantly perlpoint. Show quoted text
> There is a getting startet documentation.
This (document in PerlPoint::Package) is an older version of the document of the same name found on the homepage, but it should still be correct (it just refers to pp2html instead of to perlpoint as a converter). Show quoted text
> I write an pp-File using the described examples. > > Than I run: > > pp2html -style_dir $PPCPATH/pp2html_styles -style orange_slides > coffee.pp > > This is the END, doesn't run. What is $PPCPATH and styles? I can't > read anything.
The "Getting Started" document says: "Please remember where you installed PerlPoint::Converters from (the directory where you called make install). Let's say it is stored in the environment variable $PPCPATH." Show quoted text
> The next idea is: found somthing about style. > read the perlpoint documentation. There are al lot of options but no - > style_dir or -style
The mentioned options are documented in the manual of pp2html which was used in the last recent call above. The documentation can be found here: . Show quoted text
> Next I found an SEE ALSO PerlPoint::Generator. This POD is like > nothing.
Now you switched over to a newer part of the framework which is not used by pp2html. My impression is that is was difficult for you to see this from the docs. This looks like a gap in the documentation, I am sorry for that. To give a clarification, first there were converters directly using the PerlPoint backend. Then, an additional layer was added called "generator", So, the software layers are built according to this scheme: Parser --- Backend ---- traditional converters (pp2...) | ----- Generator ---- converter "perlpoint" This are rather internal details - from a users point of view it should be made clear how to use the several converters. It seems this part of the documentation needs to be improved. I just showed the architecture to explain that pp2html and the generator are not working together. One can use pp2html (as you did today) or perlpoint (as you did yesterday) to produce HTML slides. As a user, please always refer to the documentation of these converters, as the framework modules are just the internal base of them, but provide no user documentation (except for the syntax docs in the parser module). And you are right: the generator module needs better documentation, definitely. Show quoted text
> The most important problem is, there are no defaults to get a first > output of slides. It's frustrating only. > > Why doesn't run: > > pp2html coffee.pp
I understand your point and will try to allow a more straight forward call of perlpoint, inspired by this ticket. But for pp2html, "pp2html coffee.pp" should work fine. It will produce a rather simple layout, but the source should be processed and result slides should be produced in the start directory. What error message do you receive? I guess is was due to the unset environment variable that there was no result. Could you please retry "pp2html coffee.pp" or set the $PPCPATH variable and retry with the options as shown above?