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This queue is for tickets about the Devel-Cover CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 32089
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: Devel-Cover

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: NKH [...]
Cc: jkeenan [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Covered line reported as uncovered
Tests for the Eval::Context module reports 99.6% coverage but I'm rather sure the test cover the line reported as not covered. Also, the html rendering looks very weir. A snapshot is attached. nadim@naquadim /devel/perl_modules/Eval/Context $ pmvers Devel::Cover 0.63 nadim@naquadim /devel/perl_modules/Eval/Context $ perl -V Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration: Platform: osname=linux, osvers=2.6.22, archname=x86_64-linux uname='linux localhost 2.6.22 #8 smp wed jul 25 22:03:11 cest 2007 x86_64 intel(r) core(tm)2 quad cpu @ 2.66ghz genuineintel gnulinux ' config_args='-des -Darchname=x86_64-linux -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Dccdlflags=-rdynamic -Dcc=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -Dprefix=/usr -Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dsiteprefix=/usr -Dlocincpth= -Doptimize=-march=nocona -O2 -pipe -Duselargefiles -Dd_semctl_semun -Dscriptdir=/usr/bin -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -Dinstallman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dinstallman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3pm -Dinc_version_list=5.8.0 5.8.0/x86_64-linux 5.8.2 5.8.2/x86_64-linux 5.8.4 5.8.4/x86_64-linux 5.8.5 5.8.5/x86_64-linux 5.8.6 5.8.6/x86_64-linux 5.8.7 5.8.7/x86_64-linux -Dcf_by=Gentoo -Ud_csh -Dusenm -Di_ndbm -Di_gdbm -Di_db -Dusrinc=/usr/include/gentoo-multilib/amd64 -Dlibpth=/usr/local/lib64 /lib64 /usr/lib64' hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef usemultiplicity=undef useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef use64bitint=define use64bitall=define uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc', ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wdeclaration-after-statement -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/gdbm', optimize='-march=nocona -O2 -pipe', cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wdeclaration-after-statement -I/usr/include/gdbm' ccversion='', gccversion='4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2)', gccosandvers='' intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16 ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8 alignbytes=8, prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib64' libpth=/usr/local/lib64 /lib64 /usr/lib64 libs=-lpthread -lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc perllibs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a gnulibc_version='2.5' Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic' cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib64' Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): Compile-time options: PERL_MALLOC_WRAP USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT USE_LARGE_FILES USE_PERLIO Built under linux Compiled at Dec 10 2007 16:47:33 @INC: /etc/perl /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .
Subject: devel_cover_failure.png
On Fri Jan 04 17:44:55 2008, NKH wrote: Show quoted text
> Tests for the Eval::Context module reports 99.6% coverage but I'm rather > sure the test cover the line reported as not covered. Also, the html > rendering looks very weir. A snapshot is attached. > > nadim@naquadim /devel/perl_modules/Eval/Context $ pmvers Devel::Cover > 0.63 > nadim@naquadim /devel/perl_modules/Eval/Context $ perl -V > Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration: >
Are you sure that was the extent of the problem you originally experienced? Testing today with Perl 5.16.0, Devel::Cover 1.01 and Eval::Context 0.09, I got the results in the attachment. Thank you very much. Jim Keenan