It should allow you to enable debug mode. The code is:
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {
debug => 0,
'_games' => {},
'_handlers' => {},
bless ($self,$class);
return $self;
The @_ in $self should accept values passed to the function, therefore
sending "debug => 1" should override the default value of "debug => 0"
(a good handful of other modules act this way too). I'm fairly certain I
used debug mode when building the module so it should work.
Debug mode only prints notifications of errors within the module, it
doesn't give a verbose description of every little thing the module
does. It'll print errors like if a game doesn't exist or if you sent an
invalid parameter.
Zach Morgan via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> Thu Jan 03 16:41:09 2008: Request 32070 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by ZPMORGAN
> Queue: Games-Multiplayer-Manager
> Subject: Unable to enable debug messages
> Broken in: 1.01
> Severity: Normal
> Owner: Nobody
> Requestors:
> Status: new
> Ticket <URL: >
> The following line from the POD does not create a manager with debug
> messages enabled. The constructor always sets debug to false.
> my $manager = new Games::Multiplayer::Manager (debug => 1);