Some change introduce in 6.33 (I'm assuming 6.33 since 6.32 works) is
breaking the build of swish-e ( When building the
Perl portion EU::MM dies with this message:
perl -I../../ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.38/blib/lib/ Makefile.PL
Using swish-config found at
index...'/home/mpeters/development/arcos_trunk/swish-e/bin/swish-e -c
t/test.conf -f t/index.swish-e -v 0'
** ERROR: Can't call method "isa" without a package or object
reference at
../../ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.38/blib/lib//ExtUtils/ line 125.
Run perl Makefile.PL SWISHHELP for options
I'm attaching the current version of swish-e's Makefile.PL. I've also
tested with the latest 6.38 and it also fails.
Subject: | Makefile.PL |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Config; # for path separator
use File::Spec; # for catpath
use File::Basename; # for locating swish-e binary based on location of swish-config
# $Id: Makefile.PL,v 1.17 2005/05/20 05:47:43 whmoseley Exp $
# Default settings
my %make_maker_opts = (
AUTHOR => 'Bill Moseley',
ABSTRACT => 'Perl interface to the swish-e search library',
# Set LIBS and INC from swish-confg
NORECURS => 1, # keep it from recursing into subdirectories
DIR => [],
XSPROTOARG => '-noprototypes',
'File::Spec' => '0.8',
test => {
TESTS => 't/*.t',
clean => {
FILES => join( ' ', qw(
my $SWISH_BINARY = 'swish-e';
my $SWISH_CONFIG = 'swish-config';
my $MIN_VERSION = '2.4.3';
my @valid_params = qw/
my $help = <<EOF;
SWISH::API build script.
The swish-config program is required to set libraries and include paths.
If swish-config is not in your PATH then use SWISHBINDIR
If SWISHINC, SWISHLIBS, and SWISHVERSION are set (in environment or
on the command line) then swish-config is not used.
Makefile.PL options:
SWISHBINDIR = full path to swish-e bin directory
SWISHIGNOREVER = don't test swish-e version
SWISHHELP = print this message
SWISHSKIPTEST = create dummy tests for make test. Don't use...
These can be used instead of swish-config. Format
must match the output generated by swish-config.
You must also set SWISHBINDIR to find swish-e for "make test".
SWISHINC = cflags options used to build swish-e
SWISHLIBS = -L and -l settings for building
SWISHVERSION = version of installed swish-e
Can be either environment variables or passed on command line like:
perl Makefile.PL SWISHBINDIR=/usr/local/bin
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
print STDERR "\n ** ERROR: ", @_;
print STDERR " Run perl Makefile.PL SWISHHELP for options\n\n";
exit 1;
# Grab any options passed in on the command line.
# Swish variables get placed in $ENV.
my %config = load_command_line( @valid_params );
if ( exists $ENV{SWISHHELP} ) {
print $help;
exit 0;
# Get LIBS INC and VERSION from either swish-config or command line/$ENV
my %swish_config = get_swish_configuration();
$config{$_} ||= $swish_config{$_} for qw/ LIBS INC /;
test_version( $swish_config{VERSION}, $MIN_VERSION )
or die "Swish version $swish_config{VERSION} is older than required version $MIN_VERSION\n";
# Create test index -- needed for make test
unless ( exists $ENV{SWISHSKIPTEST} ) {
my $swish_binary = File::Spec->catdir( $swish_config{BINDIR}, $SWISH_BINARY );
create_index( $swish_binary );
} else {
$config{test}{TESTS} = 't/dummy.t';
WriteMakefile( %make_maker_opts, %config );
# Test the swish-e version
sub test_version {
my %versions;
my %split_vers;
return 1 if exists $ENV{SWISHIGNOREVER};
my @tags = qw/ running_swish_version required_version /;
my @versions = qw/ major minor release /;
@versions{@tags} = @_;
for ( @tags ) {
die "Failed to find version for $_\n" unless $versions{$_};
die "Failed to parse version ($versions{$_}) for $_\n"
unless $versions{$_} =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
@{$split_vers{$_}}{@versions} = ( $1, $2, $3 );
for ( @versions ) {
return 1 if $split_vers{running_swish_version}{$_} > $split_vers{required_version}{$_};
return 0 if $split_vers{running_swish_version}{$_} < $split_vers{required_version}{$_};
return 1; # same version.
# Returns a hash of LIBS, INC, VERSION either from environment or command
# line if all three are set, otherwise, looks for swish-config for values
sub get_swish_configuration {
die "Must set SWISHBINDIR if not using swish-config\n"
return (
# Otherwise, read from swish-config
my $swish_config_path = find_swish_config( $SWISH_CONFIG );
return read_swish_config( $swish_config_path );
# Reads swish-config and returns hash of values
sub find_swish_config {
my $prog = shift;
my $binary = find_program( $prog );
die "SWISHBINDIR [$ENV{SWISHBINDIR}] is not a directory\n"
unless -d $ENV{SWISHBINDIR};
my $p = find_program( $prog, $ENV{SWISHBINDIR} );
die "Failed to find [$prog] in directory $ENV{SWISHBINDIR}: $!" unless $p;
print "Using config program [$p], but also noticed you have $binary available in \$PATH\n"
if $binary;
$binary = $p;
die "Failed to find [$prog] in PATH\n" unless $binary;
print "Using swish-config found at [$binary]\n";
return $binary;
# Reads swish-config and returns hash of values
sub read_swish_config {
my $binary = shift;
my %config;
$config{VERSION} = backtick( "$binary --version" );
$config{LIBS} = backtick( "$binary --libs" );
$config{INC} = backtick( "$binary --cflags" );
$config{BINDIR } = dirname( $binary );
return %config;
# Sub to fetch parameters form command line.
# Sets $ENV for SWISH options, otherwise returns them
sub load_command_line {
my %valid = map { $_, 1 } @_;
my %config;
while( $_ = shift @ARGV ) {
if ( $_ eq 'SWISHHELP' ) {
my ( $param, $value ) = split /=/, $_, 2;
if ( $param =~ /^SWISH/ ) {
die "Invalid option '$param'\n" unless $valid{$param};
$ENV{$param} = $value || '';
} else {
$config{$param} = $value || '';
return %config;
# Find a program in either $PATH or path/directory passed in.
sub find_program {
my ( $name, $search_path ) = @_;
$search_path ||= $ENV{PATH} || '';
for my $dir ( split /$Config{path_sep}/, $search_path ) {
my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $name );
for my $extension ( '', '.exe' ) {
my $file = $path . $extension;
return $file if -x $file && !-d _;
# Run a program with backtics, checking for errors
sub backtick {
my ( $command ) = @_;
my $output = `$command`;
my $status = $? == 0
? ''
: $? == -1
? "Failed to execute: $!"
: $? & 127
? sprintf("Child died with signal %d, %s corefile", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' )
: sprintf("chiled exited with value %d", $? >> 8);
die "Failed to run program [$command]: $status\n" if $status;
chomp $output;
return $output;
sub create_index {
my ($swish) = @_;
die "Failed to find swish-e binary [$swish]: $!\n" unless -e $swish;
die "Cannot execute swish-e binary [$swish]: $!\n" unless -x $swish;
my $index = 't/index.swish-e';
my $conf = 't/test.conf';
unlink $index if -e $index;
my @command = ( $swish, '-c', $conf, '-f', $index, '-v','0' );
print "Creating index...'@command'\n\n";
die "Failed to create index file '$index'" unless -r $index;