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This queue is for tickets about the Net-SMTP-TLS CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 30826
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Net-SMTP-TLS

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: mnichols [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

CC: bug-Net-SMTP-TLS [...], bug-Email-Send [...]
Subject: Email-Send Net-SMTP-TLS problem.
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 14:03:57 -0500
To: awestholm [...], rjbs [...]
From: Mojo Nichols <mnichols [...]>
Hi all, I can not get Email Send to work out of the box. I have managed to make it work, however I modified Email Send and I think the proper fix is to change Net::SMTP::TLS. I think the problem is that Net::SMTP::TLS doesn't return anything from $SMTP->mail($from) and $SMTP->data($message) doesn't work however $SMTP->data(); $SMTP->datasend(); $SMTP->dataend(); does. I'm looking at making Net::SMTP::TLS behave as Email::Send expects and will post if I figure it out. Also I note that the arguments are different User instead of username, Password instead of password. It seems like the only change that should be necessary to go from ssl, to tls is the the arguement tls. If I get anywhere with this I will post as well. Thanks, Mojo Nichols
package Email::Send::SMTP; use strict; use vars qw[$SMTP $VERSION]; use Email::Address; use Return::Value; $VERSION = '2.182'; sub is_available { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $success = 1; $success = eval { require Net::SMTP }; $success = eval { require Net::SMTP::SSL } if $args{ssl}; $success = eval { require Net::SMTP::TLS } if $args{tls}; return $success ? success : failure $@; } sub get_env_sender { my ($class, $message) = @_; my $from = (Email::Address->parse($message->header('From')))[0]->address; } sub get_env_recipients { my ($class, $message) = @_; my %to = map { $_->address => 1 } map { Email::Address->parse($message->header($_)) } qw(To Cc Bcc); return keys %to; } sub send { my ($class, $message, @args) = @_; require Net::SMTP; if ( @_ > 1 ) { my %args; if ( @args % 2 ) { my $host = shift @args; %args = @args; $args{Host} = $host; } else { %args = @args; } my $host = delete($args{Host}) || 'localhost'; my $smtp_class = $args{ssl} ? 'Net::SMTP::SSL' : $args{tls} ? 'Net::SMTP::TLS' : 'Net::SMTP'; $SMTP->quit if $SMTP; $SMTP = $smtp_class->new($host, %args); return failure "Couldn't connect to $host" unless $SMTP; my ($user, $pass) = @args{qw[username password]}; if ( $user ) { $SMTP->auth($user, $pass) or return failure "Couldn't authenticate '$user:...'"; } } my @bad; eval { my $from = $class->get_env_sender($message); # ::TLS has no useful return value, but will croak on failure. #eval { $SMTP->mail($from) } or return failure "FROM: <$from> denied"; if (eval { $SMTP->isa('Net::SMTP::TLS') }) { $SMTP->mail($from); } else { eval { $SMTP->mail($from) } or return failure "FROM: <$from> denied"; } my @to = $class->get_env_recipients($message); if (eval { $SMTP->isa('Net::SMTP::TLS') }) { $SMTP->to(@to); } else { my @ok = $SMTP->to(@to, { SkipBad => 1 }); if ( @to != @ok ) { my %to; @to{@to} = (1) x @to; delete @to{@ok}; @bad = keys %to; } } return failure "No valid recipients" if @bad == @to; }; return failure $@ if $@; if(eval { $SMTP->isa('Net::SMTP::TLS') }) { $SMTP->data(); $SMTP->datasend( $message->as_string ); $SMTP->dataend; } else { return failure "Can't send data" unless $SMTP->data( $message->as_string ); } return success "Message sent", prop => { bad => [ @bad ], }; } sub DESTROY { $SMTP->quit if $SMTP; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Email::Send::SMTP - Send Messages using SMTP =head1 SYNOPSIS use Email::Send; my $mailer = Email::Send->new({mailer => 'SMTP'}); $mailer->mailer_args([Host => '', ssl => 1]) if $USE_SSL; $mailer->send($message); =head1 DESCRIPTION This mailer for C<Email::Send> uses C<Net::SMTP> to send a message with an SMTP server. The first invocation of C<send> requires an SMTP server arguments. Subsequent calls will remember the the first setting until it is reset. Any arguments passed to C<send> will be passed to C<< Net::SMTP->new() >>, with some exceptions. C<username> and C<password>, if passed, are used to invoke C<< Net::SMTP->auth() >> for SASL authentication support. C<ssl>, if set to true, turns on SSL support by using C<Net::SMTP::SSL>. SMTP can fail for a number of reasons. All return values from this package are true or false. If false, sending has failed. If true, send succeeded. The return values are C<Return::Value> objects, however, and contain more information on just what went wrong. Here is an example of dealing with failure. my $return = send SMTP => $message, 'localhost'; die "$return" if ! $return; The stringified version of the return value will have the text of the error. In a conditional, a failure will evaluate to false. Here's an example of dealing with success. It is the case that some email addresses may not succeed but others will. In this case, the return value's C<bad> property is set to a list of bad addresses. my $return = send SMTP => $message, 'localhost'; if ( $return ) { my @bad = @{ $return->prop('bad') }; warn "Failed to send to: " . join ', ', @bad if @bad; } For more information on these return values, see L<Return::Value>. =head2 ENVELOPE GENERATION The envelope sender and recipients are, by default, generated by looking at the From, To, Cc, and Bcc headers. This behavior can be modified by replacing the C<get_env_sender> and C<get_env_recipients> methods, both of which receive the Email::Simple object and their only parameter, and return email addresses. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Email::Send>, L<Net::SMTP>, L<Net::SMTP::SSL>, L<Email::Address>, L<Return::Value>, L<perl>. =head1 AUTHOR Current maintainer: Ricardo SIGNES, <F<>>. Original author: Casey West, <F<>>. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut