Subject: | IPC::Run on VMS |
Hello RSOD,
I downloaded the IPC-Run-0.80.tar from the
site ""
Extracted the files to the IPC directory of the perl installation.
When I executed the sample program with the IPCRUNDEBUG set, I got the
Sample Pgm containing:
IPC::Run::run \@command,\$Input,'>pipe',\*Handle
Received the below error:
IPC::Run 0001 0123-------- [#1(4551)]: caught function not
implemented : fcntl(
4, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK ) at /perl_root/lib/IPC/Run/ line 320
IPC::Run 0001 0123-------- [#1(4551)]: kid 1 to write 1 to a pipe
IPC::Run opens and returns
Operating System: OpenVMS
$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.7 built for VMS_AXP
My Q:
1. Is IPC::Run not supported for the OpenVms platform ?
2. or Is there any separate IPC::Run package for the OpenVMS ? Could
you please let me know the website to download ?
Thanks in advance.