Subject: | check_redirect() is over-protective when it comes to redirect loops |
If you look at the code for check_redirect() in
POE::Component::Client::HTTP::Request, it has this little snippet around
line 436:
my $prev = $self;
my $history = 0;
while ($prev = $prev->[REQ_HISTORY]) {
$history = $max + 1 if ($prev->[REQ_REQUEST]->uri eq $new_uri);
last if ($history > $max);
This checks for redirect loops. Unfortunately, the line:
$history = $max + 1 if ($prev->[REQ_REQUEST]->uri eq $new_uri);
breaks when CAS authentication is employed by some CAS clients. In such
a case, I might expect the following to happen:
1. I request
2. The server wants to verify my identity, so it
redirects me to:
3. The CAS server already notes I'm logged in, so it immediately
redirects me back to
4. The service server helpfully redirects me one more time to strip
the service ticket from the URL to
In this case, the snippet is overly defensive and stops one hop short of
the intended final destination.
Commenting that line out in the source resolves issue. I suggest that
either this be removed or an option be added that allows the end-user to
turn it off.